New FTB Modded Minecraft server Beyond

It's some of the recipe's to craft them via auto crafting I had the wrong recipe added for the glass type, which I think causes RS to crash the server.

Glad it's sorted - a heads up to all players to make sure the recipes are correct - I had an issue with an AutoCrafter that I got the recipe wrong in and it crashed the server, to the point I had to download the world and MCEdit out the offending machine!!

I intend to have a game of it very soon, just I don't know where to start, all the things to do and learn it's overwhelming!

Hope to catch you ig soon. You are right, there are a whole load of different mods in this pack - you can concentrate on agriculture, or magic, or machinery/automation, whichever floats your boat! The best thing to do, imho, is to start like you would a vanilla survival world. You'll then want to start some kind of storage system - Refined Storage and Applied Energistics 2 are two very capable mods, or if you want less automation you can use Storage Drawers, Crates, Barrels.....or stick to Vanilla chests! For me, I like automation, so I went down EnderIO and Refined Storage for mobfarms to start, then onto a WOOT farm. WOOT farms are awesome, if a little dull! You will also need to look into generating power, for the most part in this pack it's called RF (One mod uses EU which isn't meant to be compatible with RF but you can do it). There are loads and loads of different ways to generate RF, from coal burning generators, to a whole load of different solar generators, diesel generators fuelled with bio-fuel, Lava generators, ice generators, the list is endless. I went with EnvironTech's solar arrays - 2 x tier 4 that gave ~100k rf per tick. I saved the surpluss rf in EnderIO capacitor banks. I eventually upgraded to 6 x Chaotic Solar Panels, giving an additional 3 million rf/tick now stored in a Draconic Evolution Tier 8 Energy Core - there's about 330 Trillion rf stored in that puppy right now!

Then you'll need to look into ways of transferring rf - again there are many ways of doing this, from physical conduits to virtual networks, able to send power across dimensions. You may want to work your way to creative flight - again you have many options - Angel Ring from ExtraUtils 2 but this needs a chunk loaded GP power supply - Wings of the Bat from Actually Additions, you'll need to delve into that mod and look at empowering stuff - Draconic Evolution has flight built in to the Draconic chest plate, again you'll need to go through the mod - JetPacks are a thing from 2 mods (I think) and an early way of getting flight is a HangGlider used in conjunction with a SlimeSling from TinkersConstruct.

You can make all sorts of tools - from powered drills to specialised tools from Tinkers Construct. You can make machines that will auto mine resources and ores for you (EnvironTech miners, Quantum miner from ExtraUtils2, VerticalMiner from ActuallyAdditions, BuilderBlock from RFTools to mention a few that I have tried. There are others). You can use an RFTools Builder to copy and rebuild a structure. The list is endless.

I've always been a op type player, so the mods I use lend themselves to my gameplay - I like large quantities of materials on hand so I can build whatever I damn please lol! I would recommend maybe watching a few let's plays from players that use this pack (or use a particular mod that this pack has). It can really help with inspiration, and to help you decide if that's a mod you want to delve into. For me, Botannia seems very complex, so I've not bothered with it, as I don't think it can bring anything to my game. Horses for courses.

I'm sorry that's run on quite a bit - hopefully it's info for anyone else who is thinking of delving into modded Minecraft. The pack we have really does have something to cater for most gameplay styles. Please - any other players feel free to add to this!

Any questions, please put them up on here, or in the Discord chat if you'd rather. There is a general voice channel on discord as well.

Also to note, if you want to see items from one particular mod, then in the searchbar type @EnderIO or @Envrintech or whatever mod you want to look at. There are a few mods that have ig manuals as well.

Now, thanks to 5punk I'm going to put up some pictures of my place kindly taken by 5punk with the Sphax texturepack and Shaders! Cheers 5punk!













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Right - I've been meaning to do this for a while - there are many mods that are needed to make other mods work, plus addons for some of the main mods. This is (I think) a list of all the mods that you can actually do something with in-game. Feel free to let me know if I've missed anything, or added something that shouldn't be there!!

Actually Additions
Advanced Machines
Advanced Solar Panels
Applied Energistics 2
Akashic Tome
Aroma1997s Dimensional World
Better Builder’s Wands
Better Than Bunnies
Blood Magic
Chest Transporter
Chisel & Bits
Compact Solars
Cooking for Blockheads
Dark Utilities
Deep Resonance
Draconic Evolution
Drawers & Bits
Ender IO
Ender Storage
Engineers Workshop
Environmental Tech
Extra Utilities
Extreme Reactors
Flat Colored Blocks
Flux Netwroks
Gravestone Mod
Hopper Ducts
Immersive Engineering
Industrial Craft
Iron Backpacks
Iron Chests
Long Fall Boots
Modular Forcefield System
Open Glider
OpenBlocks Elevator
Pam’s HarvestCraft
Ranged Pumps
Redstone Arsenal
Refined Relocation 2
Refined Storage
Simply Jetpacks 2
Sleeping Bag
Solar Flux Reborn
Storage Drawers
Super Circuit Maker
Tech Reborn
Thermal Dynamics
Tinkers Construct
Translocators 1.8.+
Wireless Redstone CBE
Some of my base is in spawn chunks, and there's quite a bit of stuff there that can cause lag, so I'd like to move spawn so those bits aren't always loaded. Below is a map of the area around spawn.

Current spawn is in blue - there are three other locations that I feel would be suitable, far enough away from my base but close enough and flat enough to allow players to choose their direction of travel away from spawn. These are marked Yellow, Red and Purple. My preferred location that I think works best is Purple, but any other comments/ideas gratefully received.

Cheers - Ham

Happy with any to be honest. Once you've chosen I was thinking of building a bee gene library somewhere around spawn. I've got copies of about half of the species so far and I thought I'd offer an easier route in for people who need certain bees for resources. It'll just be chests with gene templates so no lag or anything.
Since you mentioned it Haaammit, I've been thinking about chunk loading (sorry again for overdoing it). I presume that to chunk load a farm (ore miner, woot etc.) you need to chunk load the farm itself, a power source and a storage system? Does anyone know if you need to chunk load the whole thing or just the controller? So my Woot farm is on the border of 4 chunks so I've been chunk loading all 4 but I'm wondering if I only need to chunk load the one with the mob controller in? Does it matter how much is loaded in 1 chunk or is it simply the total number of chunks that are loaded that are the problem? My base is over 3 levels, so I could move stuff around so a solar panel, ore miner and storage system are all in the same chunk for example.

I know that it quite a few questions but I've not played on a server that allowed chunk loading before so it is all new to me and I'm conscious of not going OTT (again).
I can't seem to get Optifine to come up, and also using 512 texture packs my game is lagging badly and the draw distance is terrible?
FYI I've moved spawn to the purple location. There is a small hut there again with a few starter chests. If anyone fancies doing a better job of the hut, then feel free lol!

Since you mentioned it Haaammit, I've been thinking about chunk loading (sorry again for overdoing it). I presume that to chunk load a farm (ore miner, woot etc.) you need to chunk load the farm itself, a power source and a storage system? Does anyone know if you need to chunk load the whole thing or just the controller? So my Woot farm is on the border of 4 chunks so I've been chunk loading all 4 but I'm wondering if I only need to chunk load the one with the mob controller in? Does it matter how much is loaded in 1 chunk or is it simply the total number of chunks that are loaded that are the problem? My base is over 3 levels, so I could move stuff around so a solar panel, ore miner and storage system are all in the same chunk for example.

I know that it quite a few questions but I've not played on a server that allowed chunk loading before so it is all new to me and I'm conscious of not going OTT (again).

Don't stress :) I've tested WOOT and only the controller needs to be chunk-loaded, but also any method if item transfer will also need to be loaded, so a chest for the items to go in, or a Dimensional Transceiver etc. Also to note that whilst RFTools will allow access to a set of hard drives that are not loaded if they are connected to a controller that is, however, doing this will cause extreme server lag, so be careful.

I have not tested the EnvironTech stuff, but suspect it's the same. From a server performance perspective, one chunk with everything piles up like a block of flats is preferable to a big spread out area, as the whole chunk from top to bottom has to be virtually rendered. One chunk with lots in is better than lots of chunks with a few bits in, if that makes sense?

For the moment, and to see how we get on, I've limited chunk-loading to 8 per player. This means you may have to be selective on what you have running over-night etc. Currently we have 41 chunks player chunk-loaded, not including spawn chunks

I can't seem to get Optifine to come up, and also using 512 texture packs my game is lagging badly and the draw distance is terrible?

When you say you can't get Optifine up, how do you mean? Have you added it into the mod folder of your FTB Beyond instance? Regarding TexturePacks it may be worth trying a lower bit pack. I use a 64bit pack and the quality is ok - you can see some of my screen shots back on page 4. Modded servers can be pretty hard on machines, especially in bases where there are lots of machines/storage/general stuff. At my base, my framerate is about 35fps (There is a butt-ton of stuff here) and out in the countryside it's well over 100!
On Multi-MC I right click on FTB Beyond and click edit instance then drag and drop it into resource packs that's right isn't it?
On Multi-MC I right click on FTB Beyond and click edit instance then drag and drop it into resource packs that's right isn't it?
No - optifine will need to go into the Mod folder - right click FTB Beyond then click on Instance Folder then double click .minecraft then drop optifine into the folder called mods. That should be good to go :)
What is resource packs section for ?
That folder is for texture packs, so I use a 64 bit pack by PinkyPie - no longer available to download.....or is it....! Here 5punk3ymonk3y uses Sphax (with shaders and an insane pov lol)- there are loads out there that change the look of MC - that's where the texturepacks go, in the resourcepacks folder. I also have DramaticSkies as well :)

Sidenote - the server is down for about 10 more minutes - just doing some housekeeping!
@haaammit Thanks for all the info :) I’m not really stressing about it but if there are steps to take to keep the server running better while keeping what I would like loaded then it makes sense.
I can't seem to get Optifine to come up, and also using 512 texture packs my game is lagging badly and the draw distance is terrible?

Don't use a 512 texture pack on modded Minecraft it takes an insane amount of resources to run. 64 or 128 is the sweet spot. As Ham pointed out drop optifine in to the mods folder and texture packs in to the resource folder.

@haaammit @Greboth if you hit F7 (I think it's F7 could be F8) on the keyboard a grid will load in world showing the chunk edges. It makes building machines easier within a chunk. I used to build redstone ic2 water bucket reactors in single chunks, if it stepped over a chunk it used to explode. I have a pic somewhere of a 64 chunk wide crater I caused taking out 2 other player builds on the old linktart server I'll have to dig it out, Yrth wasn't impressed at that one but I rolled back the area with WE and all was good ha ha

Oh and the biggest cause of player lag is machine sounds in game which can be turned off player side by editing mod configs. Tree farms that harvest leaves were the worst I'm looking at you MFR harvester....
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I've taken the texture packs off but still a bit laggy, what settings is everyone else using? It's weird seeings all the blocks loadings slowly and when I shovel a block of grass it takes a few seconds to disappear.

I've got Optifine loaded now, but damn so many settings!
@haaammit @Greboth if you hit F7 (I think it's F7 could be F8) on the keyboard a grid will load in world showing the chunk edges. It makes building machines easier within a chunk. I used to build redstone ic2 water bucket reactors in single chunks, if it stepped over a chunk it used to explode. I have a pic somewhere of a 64 chunk wide crater I caused taking out 2 other player builds on the old linktart server I'll have to dig it out, Yrth wasn't impressed at that one but I rolled back the area with WE and all was good ha ha

Thanks for that, it is good to know as on the rare occasions I've needed to find chunk boundaries I've used the F3 screen but that sounds easier. With a little movement of things, I think I can get my current machines, power gen and storage in 3 chunks which is a little better than the 20-ish they're currently spread over :D
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