New FTB Modded Minecraft server Beyond

Ohhhh can i get whitelisted please not played minecraft for a what seems like forever !
I think my name is Elbulus
Hi there - whitelisted!

Had a breakthrough re the lag - will update when I get back from the school run!

Edit: OK - so I've a little more time. Petridish5 - it's just the MC instance that restarts, not the VM - I don't have the option to do that afaik. Like you, I'm at a loss as to why loading the same, but older version of the world, then reloading the recent version works. Most odd.

Anyhoo - O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

I did the above last night, than as I said I have un-chunkloaded everything and moved spawn to unload some of my build last night at 19:00. Right now as of 16:38 the server is running 100%. Yesterday the lag appeared after about 8 hours, it's been up about 21 hours now and touch wood, we're all good. I'm going to leave the areas unloaded for a little while longer just to check, and then I'll see about chunkloading chunks one by one until I find the issue.

I have noted down all the loaded chunks, so no worries there. Again, just for the time being, can we hold off on chunkloading until I find the machine causing the probs. I've got about 13 chunks to check, not including my place (I'll worry about that later).

Thanks all for being understanding. Looks like we're getting somewhere now - happy days!
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Ok thanks
Can't seem to get launched though, first time launching always get stuck on an operation :/
This time its on modelLoader: baking something something
nnnnnnnng this time it's stuck on 31865

What launcher are you using?

I've been using what was the Curse launcher, it's now launched via Twitch. Got the right pack as well - Beyond 1.11.0 on Minecraft 1.10.2? I found the Curse/Twitch launcher the easiest to use.
Yeah I just went to FTB and used whatever it gives me there

I'll have another stab tomorrow
nnnnnnnng this time it's stuck on 31865

Use the twitch launcher but before running the instance go to settings and under ram allocation up it to well as much as you can spare this pack eats about 10gig (including os etc) fully loaded. I'm guessing it gets stuck when loading the textures...

I ran it on my pc in the Sig and a Asus gaming laptop and had to do this on both installs. Oh the joys of java.
Hammit can you link me to a guide for installing the mod?

Got MC downloaded and the Twitch Desktop app isn't finding it, is there another way to install the mod? Been a while since I tinkered with mods
Think I've got it sorted now ^^

If you or anyone else has issues you can always use multimc, just download from this link and create an instance in the launcher. It also has settings to allocate maximum RAM that you need / can spare.

Logged on yesterday for a bit but ended up being busy and going afk. Server seems to be a lot better now though :) thanks for all the work Ham.
Ha - Curse/Twitch is almost as bad as using Java in the first instance for MC!!! I setup Curse last year, before they merged with Twitch, but to be fair it's not too bad. If I remember it right I added MC to Twitch then browsed modpacks and let it install itself that way.

Not looked into MultiMC before, I'll have a better look next week as I'm busy at work again tomorrow.

Glad you got it sorted @Luke_Bowman - catch you ingame soon I hope!

The lag is sorted, and most players have re-chunkloaded their stuff. The only lag spikes are directly after the server restarts and when we get new world gen, both of which are normal. I could eliminate some of the worldgen lag by preloading a big area, but I'm not sure it's worth it tbh.

@petridish - feel free to chunkload any overworld stuff you need to, but can you hold off on your setup in the mining world? I *think* that there may be where the issue is, with your RFTools builder. It's set to replace stuff it mines with dirt, but the chest was full. That may have been the issue. Apart from the couple of chunks in your overworld base (and I can't see any issues there tbh), it's the only un-re-loaded chunk left.

PSA to all though - if you want to keep a quarry/miner/whatever chunkloaded, can you please ensure you have enough storage capacity to store the blocks that get mined? Medium storage crates from Actually Additions aren't too hard to make - failing that use small crates and add hoppers, and make sure you use a comparator output to turn off the quarry/miner etc when the storage is full! If you can't do that, then log back in and turn it off manually :p Ta :)

Catch y'all soon - Ham

PFA - yes, that is almost 9 Trillion RF - Yes, it IS charging at over 2Million RF per tick - Yes, it has filled up 0% of my Energy Core lol
Fag packet maths means that at 2M rf/tick that bad-boy should be filled in 7,311.78 years. Not MC years, actual years!!

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Further to add - there is an issue with the iChisel. It has issues with some blocks. It is well documented, and the devs of the pack are aware. I don't have a list of the blocks that are affected - please feel free to add them to the thread if you find them, but if you try and iChisel certain blocks it will crash your game. The blocks will be in your inventory once you restart your client, but that's a massive PITA. A way round it is to place the affected blocks and them chisel then whilst they are on the ground/walls/whatever.

Not a server issue, it's a pack issue. Soz :)
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Sure I'll keep it unloaded until I get the storage space for it. I'll try and get on tomorrow night to turn it off but if you're on before then are you able to flip the lever for me? Don't want to cause issues.
You're fine, it's claimed but not chunk loaded, so not an issue atm :)
What resource pack is that Haaammit please?
It's a 64bit faithful copy called Main Pack from PinkyFlower but a search online now shows dead links, so I'm not sure what's happened to it. It would be useful if someone hosted the file somewhere, like here maybe! ;):p I also use Better Shield by zZzZOBRA
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