New FTB Modded Minecraft server Beyond

slightly off topic - but does anyone happen to have a backup of the original overclockres official minecraft server which is no longer live? I think it's the one from this thread..
Was it the 1.6.* world you played on? We sort of kept that as a multiverse world when the linktart vanilla server updated to 1.7.* When it upgraded again to 1.8.* both the 1.6.* and 1.7.* worlds were not ported/transferred over.
It is possible that @yrthilian may still have a copy of the 1.6 and 1.7 worlds, but he's not logged on in nearly two years!

edit: I've had a look on my system and I can't find the 1.6 or 1.7 worlds on it. Soz

edit2: The MC thread you linked was closed, and reopened here
but I can't see any van world downloads in it
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Just a bump and a couple of pics sent in by 5punk


I didn't see this before but any chance of getting whitelisted? MC Username is the same as my forum name.

I've played modded MC before but never FTB so it'll be something new.
I didn't see this before but any chance of getting whitelisted? MC Username is the same as my forum name.

I've played modded MC before but never FTB so it'll be something new.

Added you to the whitelist mate :)

I was having issues with the Curse launcher whereby after 10/15 mins of play I would get a quarter to half second lagspike every 7 seconds. @petridish recommended using MultiMC instead: Done that and it's working like an absolute charm - cheers
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Thanks, I’ll try and log on some time this weekend to make sure it’s all working. I’m sure I’ll do something wrong so I’ll be back with questions lol.
I think I am going to have to leave this for a now :( My PC does not like running the FTB mob but I'll be building a new PC in the next couple of weeks so I'll be back :)
I think I am going to have to leave this for a now :( My PC does not like running the FTB mob but I'll be building a new PC in the next couple of weeks so I'll be back :)
Hope you can come back - modded MC is a funny beast. My AMD Phenom II x4 955 with a mild oc and 8Gb ram runs it "ok" but it took some tweaking to get it there. That old thing is a dinosaur though - 8 years old lol!
Catch you soon, I hope :)
Hope you can come back - modded MC is a funny beast. My AMD Phenom II x4 955 with a mild oc and 8Gb ram runs it "ok" but it took some tweaking to get it there. That old thing is a dinosaur though - 8 years old lol!
Catch you soon, I hope :)

The game runs fine ticking over at 60FPS but every 10-15 seconds or so the whole game freezes as my FPS drops to 0 for half a second / a second before going back to 60FPS. Running some monitoring software earlier my CPU usage kept spiking to 100% and my RAM usage constantly sits around 90-95% usage. On Friday, I thought it was just world spawn but I've moved quite far from it now so seeing 100% I assumed my PC wasn't handling so many mods. However my PC isn't too far off yours (3770 (non k) CPU and 8GB RAM) so maybe this requires some further investigation rather than writing it off until I have my new PC.
I had the same problem when i first started.
Try increasing the amount of memory minecraft uses, the default for me was 4Gb and when i increased to 6Gb the game played a lot smoother.
Also do it through the curse launcher (well Twitch now) rather than the minecraft launcher otherwise the settings will reset when you close minecraft.

@willhub you need the FTB Beyond mod (FeedTheBeast). Download it through Twitch.
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What do I need to get started? Just Minecraft or this "FTB" Minecraft?
You need Minecraft to start with, then a custom launcher to run the FTB pack. I started with the twitch launcher, but changed to multimc as I was getting lack spikes every 7 seconds. Link here Download multimc then run it. It will ask you which version you want to run - tell it to run FTB Beyond the icon for which looks like this:


I allocate 6Gb of ram with a minimum of 1Gb with the Edit Instances option, then Settings you can change the amount of Ram.

As for the twitch one, download the twitch launcher and it will ask you which FTB pack you want to install. To install more ram on the twitch launcher, once you've started the Beyond pack, on the splashscreen go to Launch Options and scroll down to JVM Arguments - you'll see -Xmx4096m Change this to -Xmx6G if you want to allocate 6Gb etc.
Thanks for the comments :) I am using MultiMC and had changed the RAM limits but you've given me a couple of ideas for things to try :)
@haaammit A quick question for you (or anyone else with more experience of the server) are there any limits on where we mine, build or what we can build? Doing some reading on the FTB mods we can build automatic miners, mob grinders etc. but I know all this adds load / lag to the server. I'm guessing though being a 60 player server with only a handful of us the server can cope with these automatic farms?

Also on the subject of building automated things, it takes quite a lot of resources. I assume by Post #90 that there is at least one mining world. Is this only for an automatic mine / quarry or can we manually mine it? I've found a nice area to build my base and done some caving for basic resources but thinking I need to do some proper mining which usually means branch mining. This is obviously under ground to has no effect on the surface but still I'd rather not tear up the overworld if there is already something in place for mining.

For a mining world, there a mod called something along the lines of Aromacore1990 (can't remember exactly) which adds a personal mining dimension per player. If you do a search for "mining tool" then it should bring up how to craft it, you then need to use it to create the special portal bricks and build a portal in the same style as a nether portal. Then right click or shift right click with the tool in your hand to activate and then shift while you're in it to teleport.

Sorry if this is a bit vague, I'm at work and not able to check it. If you're still lost give someone a shout in game, I'm sure a few people will know what I'm on about... I hope!
@petridish Thanks mate, no worries about being specific as you’ve answered my main question. I’ve messed around with it in a single player creative world to find out how things work and I mostly just wanted to check if it’s OK doing it on the server.
@haaammit A quick question for you (or anyone else with more experience of the server) are there any limits on where we mine, build or what we can build? Doing some reading on the FTB mods we can build automatic miners, mob grinders etc. but I know all this adds load / lag to the server. I'm guessing though being a 60 player server with only a handful of us the server can cope with these automatic farms?

Also on the subject of building automated things, it takes quite a lot of resources. I assume by Post #90 that there is at least one mining world. Is this only for an automatic mine / quarry or can we manually mine it? I've found a nice area to build my base and done some caving for basic resources but thinking I need to do some proper mining which usually means branch mining. This is obviously under ground to has no effect on the surface but still I'd rather not tear up the overworld if there is already something in place for mining.

ty to petridish for the reply - I've typed up a slightly longer reply for you, hope it helps:

You can build whatever and wherever you want to – well maybe not a Draconic Evolution reactor at spawn ^_^ Those puppies destroy EVERYTHING in a 200 block radius if they go thermonuclear!!

Yes, feel free to automate mob farms/resource machines etc – that’s the fun part about modded!

Mob Farms – there are a few mods that can give you mob drops/experience. Probably the least server intensive one is woot as it doesn’t actually generate the mobs, it just gives you the drops I have used the EnderIO spawners with good visual results (2nd lower floor at my base). The downside is the mod physically spawns the mobs. This really in itself isn’t an issue (it’s basically like a vanilla spawner in that respect), but I suppose if your killing mechanism failed there is the possibility for mobs to build up. There are also mob spawners in DraconicEvolution, but these are very end/late game. I haven’t bothered as the woot farm fully upgraded is a beast!

Resource Gathering – there are a few options – RFTools has a builder block that will physically mine out the blocks in a set area. There’s another one, can’t remember which mod witout loading it up that also physically removes the blocks. The best option, imho are the EnvironmentalTech Void Ore and VoidResource miners. These don’t physically remove blocks, just generates them out of thin air. The lore behind it is the machine is supposedly mining in the void! These can be a bit grindy to get fully upgraded, but again are beasts when they are. To fully upgrade them you will need Dimensional Shards that you can only find in an RFTools dimension (see below)

Dimensions – There is the Overworld, Nether and End. There are also two further dimensions – Aroma1997’s mining world which is a super flat world – this is one dimension for the entire server, not unique for each player. Ore gen is the same as the overworld. Go nuts! There is another dimension called The Deep Dark – again there is one for the server. Ore gen is double, so a good place to manually mine, however, mobs have double health, there is a huge drop from where you teleport in to get down to where the ores are, and you must light it up. If you are in darkness, you will take damage from The Shadows

Finally there are RFTools dimensions. These are made by players, and will be specific to them. I’ve not done too much playing, but I did manage to make a dimension made entirely of Dimensional Shard Ore but the rf upkeep was astronomical, and the world had mining fatigue and hunger buffs. I managed to use an RFTools builder to mine up a large amount of ores.

Phew – hope that helps to some degree – have fun and catch you in game - Ham
Wow that is quite a response :) I just wanted to check as I crashed a modded server once by building quite a large auto miner...oops!

It was the EnderIO mob farms I had come across and was looking in to but the others seem worth reading up on too. So many mods I've not used before so it is all a little confusing but I'm getting there I think.
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