Oh Plec I was 99% sure on going the route I said but you've made some good point there.
The thing is, you make a good point on how stutter effects different people, my stutter isn't the worst on most games, what happens typically is it will be smooth then for a split second drop 30 or 40 frames making the game stutter then it will shoot back up to smooth gameplay. The main culprits are games that are in Alpha like Rust (definitely the worst stutter), and Arms 3, it bothers me because I see other players with no stuttering so I know it must be something my end. I'm not bothered about having the highest FPS, I just want it smooth, that's the most important thing to me.
The thing is on the other hand when I played Ghost Recon: Wildlands, it ran flawlessly and that was installed on my HDD so I gave it the best opportunity to stutter but it was perfect.
It may be a case of a setting with these Alpha games that will change everything, that AHCI mode may work for me, worked for a few others so it's all guess work until I try different methods.
Ryzen would be a great upgrade I'm sure but do I really need it, well that depends on if my brother does want to buy my current build or not, he still hasn't given me a definitive answer so I'm struggling a bit, if he buys it then the option is using the money to get Ryzen, if he doesn't then the option is buying a motherboard and keeping what I have and buying a new case and cooler.
There are 2 motherboards that are ending today that I currently have my eye on, the one we first discussed which is 72 quid and the MSI z77 which is at 50 at the moment but the seller says the bios is modded, don't know if that matters or not? Case of just restoring to defaults?
So yeah, I don't think it's going to be a relaxing Sunday at all