New GMMK Pro - mechanical keyboard

I really like the look of this keyboard even more so that my CTRL drop has been acting up. Shame really as I really liked it.

I really like the holy pandas lubed. But what other switches give the mighty thock. I also like gaterons reds. I didn't expect to be able to tell the difference between them and the cherry reds.
I've got the board up and running. Had to make a mod to the aluminium plate to get the durock V2 stabilisers installed. A bit nervy taking a Dremel/file to it as soon as I opened it. The GOATs were swimming in lube.

I've added a layer of foam between the switches/PCB as was previously mentioned. The board definitely makes a proper thock with the Everglide Aqua Kings. I don't have another mechanical keyboard to compare it to. I also added extra gaskets and o-rings to the most external screws to give a bit of flex while also removing the standoffs in the centre of the board. It's still very stiff and but has added a touch of give.

The build quality is top-notch. It's heavy and feels like a real premium piece of kit.

I'm waiting a loooong time to get the KAT Great Wave keycaps. Until then I have GMMK Keycaps. They aren't 100% compatible with the board as the right Fn, Ctrl and Alt are 1u. I also had to double down on the Glorious image keycap for the left shift. It's a temporary fix. I've also programmed out the print screen keycap to give me a Delete key and added the Home key to the right hand side so I have Home, Page Up, Down and End in the row. I've had to swap out the Pg Up key for one with a better profile.

A PITA that the Keycaps aren't as compatible as I had hoped considering they are GMMK but it is what it is.

I did have a few "dead" switches where the pins had bent back on themselves when inserting into the board. I wasn't able to tell until I ran a test of all the keys.

I'm happy with the board and I'll be happier still once I have some Keycaps that actually fit it properly!

The Mrs has already smiled and enjoyed typing on it, so it's good it's got her seal of approval!


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I also haven't tested out my Kailh Reds on the board yet as I've found it quite difficult to actually remove the switches once they are in. They are a very tight fit and I'm a little concerned about the amount of force I have to use to get them out the board. I will maybe take another look once the Polycarb plate comes in.
Still waiting on my ISO polycarbonate plate.

I've held off cleaning up the stabs until it comes but some of them have actually gotten worse over time rather than better! :eek:

My backspace now sticks without fail every time for a second or two.
I have to say, I'm really appreciating my first foray into the custom mechanical keyboard world. I have the GMMK Pro ISO in black, an FR4 plate, Durock v2 stabs, lubed Gateron yellow's and I have the SA DreamEater keycaps on the way.

The stabs on the GMMK Pro really suck. At first I took them apart, cleaned them and relubed them. The enter and backspace still stuck slightly, more sponginess then sticking though. In the end I just replaced them with Durock v2's and it's a night and day difference.
I have to say, I'm really appreciating my first foray into the custom mechanical keyboard world. I have the GMMK Pro ISO in black, an FR4 plate, Durock v2 stabs, lubed Gateron yellow's and I have the SA DreamEater keycaps on the way.

The stabs on the GMMK Pro really suck. At first I took them apart, cleaned them and relubed them. The enter and backspace still stuck slightly, more sponginess then sticking though. In the end I just replaced them with Durock v2's and it's a night and day difference.

Sounds very similar to my build, just waiting on a couple of bits before I can build it up :)

The Gateron Yellows, are they the Ink variety?
I did the D65 gasket mod yesterday, it has added a lot of flex to the board with my FR4 plate which I am pleased with. The bottom out was too harsh for me before (using linears). I'm down to just using 4 screws in the entire board, only just threaded in at four corners to prevent the new gaskets getting crushed.

Has anyone tried alternative foam like Stupidfish yet?
Ah, nice. Did you lube them?
Not yet, will be lubing and filming them, just waiting on a lube station, as I've also got the Kailh Crystal Box Navy switches and just ordered some Tecsee Carrot Linear and Carrot Tactiles, so will be lubing them all :eek:

I know I'll already like the Gateron Greens and the Box Navy switches but fancied trying a linear and tactile as well, though I'll likely spring swap them for something heavier?
I see the poly plate is back in stock, has anyone had theirs sent out?

I was about to ask the same thing. There's been a website re-design but when I go to look into my previous order with the plate included there's no mention that anything has been sent out, or any part of the order is missing. I'm hoping that nothing has changed on the backend. I've dropped them a quick note to just double check everything is still planned for shipment etc.
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I was about to ask the same thing. There's been a website re-design but when I go to look into my previous order with the plate included there's no mention that anything has been sent out, or any part of the order is missing. I'm hoping that nothing has changed on the backend. I've dropped them a quick note to just double check everything is still planned for shipment etc.

I messaged OC yesterday to ask but I haven't heard back yet.
I messaged OC yesterday to ask but I haven't heard back yet.

I've been told that the plates have arrived and been shipped. I was told it should arrive today. Although I received a shipping notification that it has been shipped today. Hopefully, it will be here today and if not, it should be here in the next few days.
Got mine setup now nicely...

Went with Gateron Brown SMD switches, kept the standard stabs which are awful - may change in the future. Keycap set was from a competitor but the Tai-Hao Deep Forest Green backlit keys (Double Shot PBT)
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