New Guitar/Amp

As has been mentioned before, I would deffinatly get an overdrive pedal (tubescreamer or similar), maybe go for a cheaper amp and you can use the tube scremer as a footswitch for the single channel amps.
m3csl2004 said:
As has been mentioned before, I would deffinatly get an overdrive pedal (tubescreamer or similar), maybe go for a cheaper amp and you can use the tube scremer as a footswitch for the single channel amps.

Yep, planning on a Blues Driver at the minute.
the ohm rating given with amplifiers is load load they can take on the power output, IE, if you had a 16 ohm speaker (or a cabinet with a total impedance of 16 ohms) then you would use the 16 ohm setting on the amp. the less the impedance of the speakers, the more the current drawn is. this is propably what you reffered to, as more current draw I would assume would cause the tube to overdrive allough I'm not 100% on the effects on the sound of a tube with changes current and voltage outputs.

amps have variable ratings allowing you to use different speaker combinations :) it may also give a different sound but again im not sure :)

switchable power ratings is what your really after if you want a tube amp to break up quicker
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Played a Standard US Strat vs a Deluxe and good god the Deluxe felt so much better, I didn't really expect to feel much difference but the neck is incredible, it's got a kind of curved/rounded shape to the top and bottom and the strings just felt so accesible compared to the standard.

I'm heading back on monday to try with a few amps but they had a great Tweed Blues Junior which sounded good to me, still a little undecided on the amp cause I didn't have much time. :)

this sounds more like it:
dmpoole said:
I hope you don't come back in 6 months time and say 'My amp isn't loud enough when playing with a band I've just joined - what can I do?"
I'd look at one of the 40 watters.

I don't really have time to be in a band, my Crush 30R is plenty loud enough for now.

All my playing is currently at home it would seem a bit silly to get something that is wasted in the house and can never go higher than 2 :)

That said, I'm going to play the Hot Rod Deluxe on Monday.
Another noob like question, If I combine:


what are the results? I wouldn't have thought that you could exceed 15watts output if that's all the amp could output so why would you couple a low output combo with a cab/speaker extension as some people obviously do?

An example (and a fine one at that):

that's a Blues junior isn't it? I know it's mic'ed up for volume but what does the speaker add?

Yes, I'm a simpleton when it comes to this kind of thing.

Oh and thanks to all those so far who have stuck with this thread throughout my horrendous indecision :cool:

I know it's easy to get carried away with the whole SRV sound thing but ultimately I'm really looking for my sound not his, hence the need to try them.
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because power doesnt have a massive effect on volume, its certainly not directly proportional, as far as I can remember, a 50 watt amp through the same speaker is only twice as loud as a 5 watt amp. the extra speaker will provide greater volume and should improve tone. depends on the quality of the speaker/cab etc.
I took my 72 year old Dads Line 6 Variax 300 guitar to my mate last night for a setup and he'd never seen one before.
He plugged it in, I took him through the presets and showed him that Spank on the dial means Stratocaster.
He turned up his 65 Reverb Special and stood there amazed that he'd nailed the SRV sound.
He then went on to have fun with the other 40+ guitar sounds that are built into it.
For those that don't know the Variax is a modelling guitar that has got about 40+ of the most famous guitars in history programmed into its electronics and it does work.

He also told me about this pedal although he hasn't tried it -
Thge more I look at prices the more I'm tempted by a modelling amp my amp prices are getting silly now.

As far as the guitar goes, I'm getting the real thing, that was my original idea.

Of course If i got a cheaper amp I could get the Variax as well :D


Oh ..wonder how much their eleccy drum kits are :D :D

After all it's not what you've got it's how you use it:

Having good stuff is just a nice bonus.
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I've tried a variax and they are awesome. Then again I'm not really a guitarist but listening to guitarists play them had me convinced.
your obviously set on a deluxe usa, so get that first, you dont have to buy everything at once,

actually, buy it, get used to it, see how it sounds through your crush 30r, then take it down to a store to try out amps, then youll be sure what the amp will sound like when you get it home. I'm sure that will help you make your decision on if you need a nice tube amp or not.
Considering 90% of your tone is via the amp, you would be silly to buy a cheap modelling amp with a real strat, as you won't do it any justice. It's like playing a Gibson through Marshall MG. :o

Any half decent valve amp will have beautiful tones that cannot be replicated by transisitors or modern technology. You would be better off buying a squire strat and a Twin Reverb than a USA strat and a cheap amp. :)
OzZie said:
You would be better off buying a squire strat and a Twin Reverb than a USA strat and a cheap amp. :)

This is exactly what the two guys out of SRV tribute bands said - buy the Fender 65 Deluxe Reverb and then buy a Squire. At a later date you could either put the Custom Shop Texas pickups on or save for a Strat.
Bought stuff, good news and bad to follow but it all works out nicely in the end :cool:

Off for a beer and a cig, apologies for this slightly useless post :D

Full story is a long one :)
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