New Guitar/Amp

m3csl2004 said:
oh god I love maple boards :( :( :( :(

Me too...

But tbh i prefer maple fretboards a darker orange colour...

Not sure if its the way they are made or tobacco staining or what... but me own strat has a nice dark orange colour to the neck and it is sex
lemonkettaz said:
Me too...

But tbh i prefer maple fretboards a darker orange colour...

Not sure if its the way they are made or tobacco staining or what... but me own strat has a nice dark orange colour to the neck and it is sex

i know just what you mean. I love that darker orange marple more than the plain clean maple look

the neck on my Tele is like that, old, worn, orangeeee maple :D mmmmmmm

dude, i love that sort of dark/deep red colour of the body :D looks sweet as
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The American Vintage range have the orange maple, I think it is just what happens as the wood matures. I tink maple necks look even better when they have those marks on the fretboard from years of playing. :)
I love birdseye maple, I have a squier strat with a rosewood board and what I think is cheap maple neck, I so tempted to get a warmoth (sp?) neck from the US, just go on there site, they have some just stunning body and neck options, only thing stopping me is the current neck is good, and the pickups arn't...

while were on the topic, anybody have any experiance with humbuckers in single coil size?
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