New iMacs/Minis Tomorrow?

I just hope Apple realise how much stronger the dollar is at the moment [in regards to recent years]. Their prices when converted over are usually bad enough - if they get a little over-excited on that front we could have seriously expensive hardware shoot up in the store very soon.

Oh dear.
They've lost the plot on this one, delighted I kept my 8 Core Mac Pro and didn't play the risk game of upgrading.

I think the wallet will be staying as-is for now. Only £50 off the Mac Mini (base) in the Higher Education store too, that seems exceptionally low. :confused:
Ouch at those price increases. I guess the dollar increase against the pound is finally being passed on.

New airport extremes have two modes one for slower devices and one for n devices which is good. I'd only get one if it came with an adsl option though. I don't see the point of two devices to do the same thing.
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As expected, bit of an anti-climax. Still I can't help but think how many fanboys and girls are feverishly tapping their credit card details into the Apple store as we speak...
As expected, bit of an anti-climax. Still I can't help but think how many fanboys and girls are feverishly tapping their credit card details into the Apple store as we speak...

They could put crap in tinfoil and have an Apple logo on it and people will still be tapping.

Extremely fierce price hikes, suppose it is the credit crunch. For that reason I think I'll hold off for a bit.
So have the Mac Pro price hikes just increased the second hand value of the kit I currently have? ;) (not that I'm selling it anytime yet)
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They could put crap in tinfoil and have an Apple logo on it and people will still be tapping.

Extremely fierce price hikes, suppose it is the credit crunch. For that reason I think I'll hold off for a bit.

Agreed, still here's hoping said fanboys/girls will be ebaying their old kit for not much bucks :D

They are pretty substantial rises, but while I see their reasoning for the extra cost due to higher spec components and current financial climate I can't help but think back to the comments I read about recent price slashes on Steam and how their sales volumes (and subsequently profits) went up several hundred percent.

Given Apple's Dell-esque massive economies of scale I would have expected more competitive pricing in a market that is fast becoming tailored towards the bargain hunting masses. Instead this just smacks of greed and cashing in on the 0-day loyal sales fraternity.
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Credit card will be staying in the wallet. Serious prices and when I really think about it I can do without a new desktop but still would have liked imac to replace 2 year old MBP.
Although I could sort of see it on the horizon, those prices are pretty shocking.

And still no DVI to DisplayPort - so anyone wanting to run two Apple Cinema Displays from a Mac Pro, can't...

Ah well, money saved I guess. :)
I can't get my head around some of their prices.

Ruling out the top end mac for being ridiculous. I then looked at the mid-range 24". It allows you to upgrade the CPU and the graphics.

Get this:

Upgrade from 2.93Ghz to 3.06Ghz (130Mhz) costs £120. That's almost £1 per Mhz!
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