New iMacs/Minis Tomorrow?

I was expecting a bit more tbh - a lacklustre update. No quad core imac (I guess they're worried about imac stealing macpro sales) and the mini price is just ridiculous. Come on Apple, you can do better than that surely. :rolleyes:
Also just checking, with the iMac, you don't get the full keyboard, ie, no numeric keypad, and you dont even get the remote with it?.....this is dire.

You can upgrade to the full size one with numeric pad for free.
Considering a Dell Studio Hybrid for my media centre now, instead of the new mini :(
Anything else I should look at?
It's only for media playback on the TV, so I won't miss OSX there.
Hmm, now the white MB is tempting compared to the prices of the Mac Mini. Would be for media/portable use.
lol new prices and models for the mac mini £150 for 1gb extra ram and 200gb hd , some things will never change was considering one but now ill just wait for nano + ion adn build it with a slim blu ray drive for half the price or so
The price increase on the Mac mini is obviously driven by the weak pound. I wonder if this trend will continue into other new lines (i.e the new iPhone)?
Surprised the new iMacs don't have LED screens, that was a major factor in me holding out for the refresh. I think my 2.4Ghz 20" iMac with 4Gb DDR2, 250Gb, Superdrive and a 2400 at £640 holds out very favorably against the £950 20" refresh.
I was expecting a bit more tbh - a lacklustre update. No quad core imac (I guess they're worried about imac stealing macpro sales) and the mini price is just ridiculous. Come on Apple, you can do better than that surely. :rolleyes:

Hardly lacklustre...

The quad core iMac was a pipe dream, it'd have turned up in the relatively recent 17" macbook pro if it was happening. It's maybe a little disappointing that there isn't a quad core option on a machine costing £1500+ in some configurations I'll grant you though.

The mac mini price is reasonable given exchange rate changes, they aren't going to slash their margins or make a loss on them to keep them cheap in the (small) UK market.

And the mac pro got fancy new top end hardware, if it's disappointing it's because you were expecting pigs to fly!
Shocking prices for the poverty spec they give you. I keep looking at Apple's prices occasionally as I half fancy a Mac to play with but these huge price hikes in the middle of a recession, with the pathetic specs on offer, it's insulting to customers :)
The price increase on the Mac mini is obviously driven by the weak pound. I wonder if this trend will continue into other new lines (i.e the new iPhone)?

It will almost certainly continue with new refreshes. I'm tempted to wait for the next macbook refresh (which will just be newer processors I expect) before I buy a new one but I'm conscious I'll probably pay more if I do.

EDIT: But the iphone might be more immune, it's subsidized after all and the payg version can't get any more expensive before people stop buying it.
Shocking prices for the poverty spec they give you. I keep looking at Apple's prices occasionally as I half fancy a Mac to play with but these huge price hikes in the middle of a recession, with the pathetic specs on offer, it's insulting to customers :)

No, it's exchange rates. How hard is that to understand, do you expect them to make a loss or slash margins because the £ is weak?? Why on earth would they??
No, it's exchange rates. How hard is that to understand, do you expect them to make a loss or slash margins because the £ is weak?? Why on earth would they??

£500 for a mini with 1 gig of RAM - is that because of the exchange rate :confused: RAM is dirt cheap. 1 gig for £500 in 2009 is laughable and insulting.

They then charge an extra £150 for a tiny increase in specification. No, there is no excuse for it, and to blame it all on the exchange rate simply will not wash.
It's always been a rip-off price for a poverty spec, and that has continued with this product refresh, I agree.

So buy a £250 Dell, no skin off anybody else's nose, apple have never pretended to be playing that game. Most affordable mac ever isn't saying a lot maybe but lets compare to a dell studio hybrid, a similar form factor - starting at £450 for 2GB RAM but vastly inferior graphics. it's swings and roundabouts but hardly a vast difference.
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