I really hope they dont release a new one and skimp heavily on the old one for updates...
Give us copy and paste FFS, you're a bunch of skimping lazy, *****. We don't just "think we know what we want" we acually KNOW.
IMO, you bought the iPhone/iPhone 3G knowing full well what it can/can't do. Any software update that adds new features you should take happily as a free gift from Apple. If Apple's history serves them... as soon as the new iPhone is out all the previous one will get is at most security updates/bug fixes.
I have learnt to never, ever by a 1st Gen Apple product (by that I mean say with the Unibody MacBooks, if I were wanting one, i'd wait now until they upgrade the processor of whatever). All people who bought the iPhone 2G got royally ripped off by Apple. They released a 2G smartphone into the UK, at FULL PRICE. That just shows you how arrogant Apple are and how people will blindly follow them.
I don't have an iPhone and probably never will unless, as you say, Apple actually give people what they want - rather than wrapping a sub-standard phone (by functionality) into a super-standard interface. By that I mean "standard" smartphone functions:
Bluetooth that isn't laughably crippled
Minimum 5MP camera with flash
User filespace to store documents and such
Unlocked by default (or at least an option to buy one unlocked) - I don't want to faff around with jailbraking it.
Allow apps to run in the background
Allow emailing of full-sized images
640x480 @ 30FPS video recording