a nice change would be to give it proper functionality with all ipod stuff... i'm sick of seeing "this product is not compatible with the iphone" or whatever the message is that pops up with you try to plug it into some funky speaker device or charger etc...
dunno, it definitely physically fits in the slots perfectly fine and most of the time will play music but will rarely (read:never) charge...The iPhone requires a clean(er) 5V supply.
Also, wasn't the 30 pin connector slightly modified on the 3G model?
dunno, it definitely physically fits in the slots perfectly fine and most of the time will play music but will rarely (read:never) charge...
Has anyone actually seen any evidence of this beyond a patent?
Surely such a minor revision change as a .1 could be something as small as a better battery! lol.There was a mention of "iPhone 2,1" in the latest firmware file, which signifies a hardware rev.
Also, some ad serving websites have multiple evidence that a "iPhone 2,1" device had been used to access their sites, specifically in the San Fransisco Bay area (where Apple is based), as they did with the original iPhone.
The iPhone 2G was model 1,1Surely such a minor revision change as a .1 could be something as small as a better battery! lol.
If it was the changes that everyone are predicting, then surely it'd be revision 3.0?
New iPhone will have better battery and better GPU.
As long as I can jailbreak the bugger and tailor it the way I WANT, I'll be really happy. I was tired of the appstore long ago tbh.
do most people actually jailbreak? i've never played with a jailbroken (?) phone so don't know what i'm missing i guess but the whole idea of not being able to update to the latest firmware until the hack is released and the overall hassle of it has put me off...
is it commonplace between you lot?
lol hardly. I've got loads of paid for apps from the appstore. Except the appstore has hardly any useful customisation utilities or productivity apps - why? Because you have to adhere to Apple's stupid rules which hamper their very own product. The appstore imo is fast being a total pos because no one wants to dedicate time to developing quality apps when you can make heaps from a 50p gimmick one.Read: I was tired of paying for Apps.![]()
lol hardly. I've got loads of paid for apps from the appstore. Except the appstore has hardly any useful customisation utilities or productivity apps - why? Because you have to adhere to Apple's stupid rules which hamper their very own product. The appstore imo is fast being a total pos because no one wants to dedicate time to developing quality apps when you can make heaps from a 50p gimmick one.
Jailbreak has always had heaps of utilities and customisation options, rather than pansy, pointless games which drain your battery inside a few hours. Imo if you want to use your phone to the best potential then jailbreak the bugger and gain access to features Apple want to reserve for themselves.
I've got 6 pages of stuff from Cydia on jailbreak. Lets see off the top of my head.What specific apps? You make it sound like there are 100's of apps you use that do not exist on app store because of the rules? RSS readers? MMS apps? How many apps do you have installed?
do most people actually jailbreak? i've never played with a jailbroken (?) phone so don't know what i'm missing i guess but the whole idea of not being able to update to the latest firmware until the hack is released and the overall hassle of it has put me off...
is it commonplace between you lot?
I've got 6 pages of stuff from Cydia on jailbreak. Lets see off the top of my head.
MMS/SMS apps - Besides Swirly, there are SMS apps that give you sms forwarding and landscape views by default.
Cycorder - Video recording.
SBS Settings - Similar to bosstools, enabling you to switch off iPhone services at the press of a button, as well as kill running processes, fast reboots etc.
Pdanet - Use your 3G's modem as a tether for wireless connectivity on your laptop.
Backgrounder - Run or launch apps that can run in the background. A boon for iRC and eReader.
Theming - Of course customise the phone the way you want.
FiveIconDock - Can't live without it now.
iPhone Blacklist - A call blacklist app.
Clippy ala Cut & Paste - No explanation needed.
ScummVM - Not tried it yet because I prefer not to kill my battery.
When Apple released their 'guidelines' towards App development, I predicted that we'd see a plethora of games and daft apps, the former of which was just not suited to our current iPhones. I'm disappointed to see they still haven't [edit: relaxed] any plans as of yet to change that. More iFart and CallMom apps I guess.