New Mac Mini

I ordered a Mac Mini last week, customised to to 4Gb so there was a delay in delivery.

Thank god I did because I just received an email saying that Apple are going to upgrade me to the new Mac Mini for no extra cost..

The price seems to be going up every time apple release a new product now! The macbook pros went up, new iphone and now the mac mini. what happened to them increasing the specs and keeping the same price like the good old days!
£550 and iv got 2 PC's one of which is supremely powerful, compared even to the new mini's, ill go all mac again when they bring out a mac mini that can floor my 3/4 year old PC.

Exactly this, if it had at least an i5 i'd be hitting the order button. As you can see below my 3 year old PC has a 2.4ghz dual core, dont fancy paying the nasty side of £600 for the same spec!
The price seems to be going up every time apple release a new product now! The macbook pros went up, new iphone and now the mac mini. what happened to them increasing the specs and keeping the same price like the good old days!

Well in no small part the exchange rate went through the floor and shows no hope of going back up real soon, a further drop is likely priced in in case the UK's credit rating gets downgraded.

Also they're probably changing their economics slightly in a recession to focus on higher margin per unit rather than units shipped.

Lastly, there will be extra R&D cost to absorb on the new unit which had long since been paid off on the old Mac Mini.

Bit of everything really...
The price seems to be going up every time apple release a new product now! The macbook pros went up, new iphone and now the mac mini. what happened to them increasing the specs and keeping the same price like the good old days!

Blame Jonny Ive and the usual 30% mark up.
wow thats extortionate what happened to the £400 entry level mac mini, the thing that actually got me into macs in the first place.

You could actually buy a reasonable windows based gaming machine with that kind of cash.

Im not the normally the one to whinge about apples pricing because I can normally see what they are charging for but in this case I really cant.

They need to bring back the entry level mac, not make it unaffordable.
They need to bring back the entry level mac, not make it unaffordable.

The thing is nobody really bought the mac mini the last few years, for most people these days (particularly in apple's target markets) their computer is a laptop. The entry level machine is really the macbook (though it's not like it's terribly cheap these days either, but it's more reasonable in comparison).

I agree it's expensive and an entry level mac would be nice at a lower price point, but that machine is a lower volume product with a more niche audience so it's a problem. Personally I'd like to see a £400 plastic version of the mac mini as it'd do what I need perfectly (a secondary machine to sit in the corner and act as my itunes player and my ichat/skype terminal...)
Nice design, underwhelming innards, comical price. This is supposed to be the entry level "switcher" Mac - the Mac to temp PC owners who already have a mouse and keyboard.

If they sold them at a good price they would go like hotcakes. But they won't, because they're probably frightened about what will happen to iMac sales. I'm pretty sure the Mac Mini is just a tool to make the rest of the line look better value for money.
Nice design, underwhelming innards, comical price. This is supposed to be the entry level "switcher" Mac - the Mac to temp PC owners who already have a mouse and keyboard.

It might have been once but I don't think that's true any more, the sales figures for laptops vs desktops these days are scary things (basically half of new machines or more in the consumer space now). The people buying desktops are usually looking for cheap/value or gaming machines, the Mac Mini doesn't really play in either of those categories and even if it was £500 it wouldn't compare to Dell's box shifting.

I do agree it's expensive but I don't think it's harming Apple much, I'd bet their main buyers for the mini these days are Mac users wanting a second machine of some kind (for the kids, living room etc)
Nice design, underwhelming innards, comical price. This is supposed to be the entry level "switcher" Mac - the Mac to temp PC owners who already have a mouse and keyboard.

If they sold them at a good price they would go like hotcakes. But they won't, because they're probably frightened about what will happen to iMac sales. I'm pretty sure the Mac Mini is just a tool to make the rest of the line look better value for money.

Thats the thing though, within 2 years of buying my mac mini I already had a macbook pro and two different iphones, which otherwise would not have been purchased. I would never have bothered to try and never gotten the apple bug.

(I would be a whole lot richer also as a side effect :D)

Maybe with the success of ipods and iphones, apple just don't need switching devices anymore?
Does anyone know what the 320m is like as a graphics card??

I really like the look of this new mini and im a bit tempted, but i want to know what it'll be like playing games and so on...
Am I the only person who likes the Apple TV? Mine gets used on a regularly basis (mostly because I've got my entire DVD collection ripped).

The only way I'd buy the new Mac Mini is by picking it up in the states. $699 vs. £649. That's a massive difference even after tax.
I own one too and love it, however mines a hacked one that spends most of it's time running XBMC for HD and Xvid content. I've pretty much given up on the slow pace of classic blu-ray film releases now and gone towards digital rentals. It does need a major hardware revamp though in every area.

The new Mini is gorgeous in specs and design but sod that price.
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I think its a real shame they have priced it that high, I got mine a few years ago and it got me into macs.
At the time it well priced and worth the risk, it will put people off, then again as said earlier perhaps their intentions have changed in the last couple of years.
That's very cool but very much too expensive. Big shame - the Mini is only *just* worth what it costs right now imo, but it is worth it. This new one is over that line I think which will only hurt it.

Lovely bit of kit though.
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