New Minecraft 1.12 Survival Server

Not that I have time to play MC any more but I miss the LinkTart days. Even when I wasn't playing it was nice to see the community and their creations. This server of yours looks great too :)

I miss them too - this isn't my server, but I do put a lot of time into keeping it nice and sorting the backend stuff! :)

Hey Ham, can you whitelist me please. ty
No :p ofc :)

Hi. Can you whitelist me please. My Minecraft name is: The_Chadd

can you whitelist me too please? r_mine4444

Have fun - any questions, you can either catch me on this thread or on our discord
thanks, I joined and spawned in a pit with no way out.

when breaking the dirt or cobble it would break but then reappear like I didn't break it so was stuck with no way of getting out.

does that normally indicate lag for MC? never played it online till now

Ah - I thought I had removed spawn protection - there's a way out now. Sorry matey :o you should be good to go

Thanks for highlighting that issue :)
Spawn protection removed and server rebooted

There was a huge combat change at 1.9 - many players disliked it, but it is what it is. There is a "cool-down" between sword swings, you can't just spam click anymore. You will get used to it :) Skellies are fairly op now - make a shield asap!
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