I haven't had this much fun with a game in ages, when you team up with somebody and work together it takes on a whole different level of awesome. Reallying enjoying the CPC server!
I found a rather nice gun in cherno, however I angered a zombie but forgetting to use the axe angered about 100 zombies in total, if counting the two barracks
CPC server is great fun, amusing stand off at the trader base when a bunch of guys turned up in a helicopter at the same time. People covering their mates while they traded so nobody could steal, all running around like something from Benny Hill.
Anybody suggest a good epoch server, perhaps UK based, that has night/day time changing too? I really fancy being able to play at night, with all it's extra complexities.
MireMare we used to run night time cycles but for them to work correctly we had to set the ingame time to around 5pm and let it tick naturally to 8pm for darkness, with this however you always had dusky days and the vision was always terrible when looking a certain way.. always had that darkness feel to it which a lot of people didnt like.
We tried running the time accelerator but the engine just isn't built for it, worked fine on the test server and on the normal server up to a certain amount of people, around 20 I think but anymore and it just stopped functioning completely so it was very erractic.
If there ever was a good day/night cycle script that worked flawlessly or a the very least most of the time we'd be all over it. I love the night time in Arma its great for a new sense of the game and you get very disorientated without Nightvision.
On the note of the server, we finally got into the top 100th percentile.. materialistic number but its something. With this though we've had to whitelist the server between 0300-0900 when we don't have an admin on. This can be turned off by any admin though and turned back on when they logout.
We know whitelisting isn't perfect and we're trialing it by registration however I can see us needing to put in a minimum forum post requirement to get whitelisted or have been on the server for a certain amount of time already.
Its rubbish it's come to this but at the very least we have 5 active admins that police the server throughout the day so thats not a problem at all its just that time where we have to do that thing called sleeping that you get skiddies on leaving the server decimated until 6-8hours later where a rollback just isn't a great option.
Hey ToejaM, really interesting to hear that your tried the time cycles, shame it didn't work out, I've not tried any with that yet, just saw a youtube video of people sitting around a camp fire and thought it looked cool!
Good news about the top 100th, in my short time on the server I've had a great time so far, and the admins have helped me out.
What does the term skiddie refer to? Hackers messing about?
Possible to put an admin console on the server that allows the admins to set Time, similar to what wasteland has
Or, it will probably be possible to write a script that would change the time to whatever you wanted at a specific time each day.
Say 6pm in game time each night it set in game time to 9.30pm mid summer so you would have an hour of dusk.
Then darkness until you run the script again at a certain in game time, say 12:01 am then set it back to 12:01 pm. Six hours of daylight three hours of darkness.
Only isuue would be the instant switch rather than gradual time lapse.
Skiddie is what you do in your tighty whiteys! So it's fitting its what a script kiddie is. Someone who uses scripts to mess with the server and its population! Glad you're enjoying yourself on the server though bud, just grin and bare the unwashed that join the server they don't last long and with the whitelisting they should be fewer when we're not around
We have an option in our admin tool that allows it to be set to darkness MarkeR but if new people join the server, they join and its daylight for them? Is there a way around this?
The instant switch likely wouldn't be a problem if there were admin messages to accompany it though could the script be set to change the time from 1 to 0 but hitting the notches slowly inbetween? Say it needs to be 0 to be dark but its currently 1.. so the script would do 0.9/timeoutXX/0.8/timeoutXX until it got to 1, that would create a gradual effect over say 10 minutes?
Is there anything in BEC that would execute this script every 2 hours of the servers lifetime, like could it be setup to pickup a command and exec an internal script to do this?
Also even if it was done like this, wouldnt new people to the server still see it as light unless the script is executed again?
Haha, skiddies, that is the perfect name for a script kiddie. Going to make sure I get whitelisted through the forums now.
The banter in sidechat is pretty funny too, the regular bunch on the server have a good balance of taking the mickey out of each other and helping out with game questions asked.
Just had my first kill streak, 14 players on a pvp server
Cheeky buggers kept on going to the same general area over and over again, the only reason to kill new spawns. So go on then kill those new spawns because I'll kill you as well. I was hopeing someone would take me out, but people are more interested in the bambies
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