New Portable audio set up


I love it Mr.Bon, only thing is I think ive managed to knacker my CX300s with it i think so I need to get some new earphones.
Both, now spec me some earphones <£50 :cool:

Well for £50 I would've said the S-Jay's but apparently there is no difference between them and the CX300's.

Currently I'm using some Shure Se110 but they're lacking a bit of bass and have too much treble. I'd get some CX300's because for £50 you'd probably need to spend a bit more to get a decent bass and treble.
I've been thinking of Shure Se210 as my next earphones Mr.Bon.

A bit more than the Se110s but the bass is much better so I've read.
I ordered one of those amps two weeks ago as well. No sign of it. I must admit, I think customs must have got their mitts on it and am expecting a letter demanding money shortly.

Bought myself a Fiio e5 when getting impatient and I'm so impressed I'll probably keep it and ditch the CMOY. Not without an audition of course...
Probably. I read someone got charged £11 for having their CMOY released a while back. I doubt that it's the seller being slow, as he has such a very good reputation.
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