New Portable audio set up

So which one better then :)

Still waiting for the CMOY. The Fiio does a great job of supplying much needed current that neither my soundcard or hi-fi amp give. It's less detailed than having the same phones plugged into my hi-fi amp.

Would love an amp that supplies the extra current I need for my Goldring NS1000s in passive mode, but gives the detail I crave.

To be honest, I expect the CMOY to be better but for £20 the Fiio's been doing a fantastic job.
The Fiio will make a big difference for headphones that aren't sounding their best due to a lack of current, over plugging them directly into a soundcard. It won't make much of a difference for anything that's already being driven well.

It made some difference to my Goldring DR50s and Creative Aurvana Live but it's nothing like the 'night and day' difference of adding it to my NS1000s in passive mode.

Edit: have tried it direct from the soundcard but am now using it from the Line out on my hi-fi amp. Just means less plugging and unplugging. It also made a huge difference from my walkman phone, killing the hiss that was a bit of a nightmare in quieter musical passages.
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Well, it looks like Customs have their beady eyes on CMOYs then, and £11 is the standard amount. Good to hear yours has turned up. I'm still waiting.
Whats the value of it on the label Mr.Bon?

I never got charged anything by customs.
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I see, I never got hit by customs for i or anything ive ordered from US or anywhere else.

My guess is they have opened one, seen what it is, then noticed a fair few coming in every now and again coming from the same address so they have started charging.
Received my LOD today, got it off Nigel, a UK based LOD maker, I can say this LOD is top quality, looks great....

As for the complete setup, Im not sure what to make of it, the amp has made things louder, i suppose bass is a little more refined, but other than that Im not sure its made any difference? Do they need burning in?
I've spent a total of £65 now,(£35amp + £11 customs, £19LOD) not sure if it was worth it, but I'll give it a few weeks, let it burn in or what not.
Or maybe its my cx300 earphones letting the whole setup down?

You've spent £65 on equipment (not including ipod) to drive earphones that can be had for £20? Strikes me as a little unbalanced. Careful though - I'm detecting a destinct sense of upgraditis. It could all end in tears...
You've spent £65 on equipment (not including ipod) to drive earphones that can be had for £20? Strikes me as a little unbalanced. Careful though - I'm detecting a destinct sense of upgraditis. It could all end in tears...

That's really the main point, spending £65 on an amp for a pair of headphones that are not that refined, Next step is to buy some decent full ear headphones imo or a decent pair of IEM's with decent sound isolation to ensure a decent SQ.
That's really the main point, spending £65 on an amp for a pair of headphones that are not that refined, Next step is to buy some decent full ear headphones imo or a decent pair of IEM's with decent sound isolation to ensure a decent SQ.

I agree with this i have a cowon d2 fiio e5 and ultrasone hfi780s ,the sound im getting is beyond belief its a huge sound with amazing seperation ,with the cx300 the sounds 2d and in my ears ,with the 780s every layer of music is a seperate entity with its own timbre and texture and has its own space outside my head (with some recordings maybe 30ft away) .with classical you can almost FEEL the rasp from the string instruments.
This is all from a starter amp and an hp out so i can see myself upgrading ,the sound is so addictive
Quality headphones moon man, I'm looking to get some ultrasone 480's in a few months when I've saved a wee bit but is it worth the extra for the 580's?

I'm trying to get off IEM's as most seemt o hook around the ear and the cable seems to break inside, can't find a decent pair of IEM's which don't use the crap ear hook system.
Quality headphones moon man, I'm looking to get some ultrasone 480's in a few months when I've saved a wee bit but is it worth the extra for the 580's?

I'm trying to get off IEM's as most seemt o hook around the ear and the cable seems to break inside, can't find a decent pair of IEM's which don't use the crap ear hook system.

not sure on that one the 450s have the 40mm mylar driver and the 580s 50mm so maybe more bass on the latter they say you either love or hate ultrasones (the marmite of headphones maybe) but i would recomend the 780s 100% btw search ultrasone on the bay theres some new pros going quite cheap from a seller in leeds
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