New PSP design

I'm not that impressed with the re-design

My PSP has been used only a few times in the 6 months I've had it. Unfortunately they haven't addressed my main compliants:

- The position of the On/Off switch is such that I keep turning off the unit when using the buttons on the top
- The control system is seriously poor - why haven't they put on a second analogue stick? GTA is rather painful to play to say the least!
- They haven't mentioned anything about replacing the rather poor screen shipped with the units
- What about the poor battery life?

The faster load times are nice though as it takes absolutely forever to load games. Yes the graphics are better but I just prefer my DS Lite (bought a few months ago) so I'm selling my PSP and I don't see myself replacing it with the refreshed model
Reeve said:
i suppose you are impressed with nintendo releasing a portable console and shortly after releasing an updated version which makes the original inferior(so you buy the newer version and generate more money for nintendo) :rolleyes:

Theres nothing wrong with the original DS, I prefer the look too.
ajgoodfellow said:
I'm not that impressed with the re-design

My PSP has been used only a few times in the 6 months I've had it. Unfortunately they haven't addressed my main compliants:

- The position of the On/Off switch is such that I keep turning off the unit when using the buttons on the top
- The control system is seriously poor - why haven't they put on a second analogue stick? GTA is rather painful to play to say the least!
- They haven't mentioned anything about replacing the rather poor screen shipped with the units
- What about the poor battery life?

The faster load times are nice though as it takes absolutely forever to load games. Yes the graphics are better but I just prefer my DS Lite (bought a few months ago) so I'm selling my PSP and I don't see myself replacing it with the refreshed model

I haven’t used this new one but it doesn’t look like they have done any thing with the analog stick either. :(

Reeve said:
i suppose you are impressed with nintendo releasing a portable console and shortly after releasing an updated version which makes the original inferior(so you buy the newer version and generate more money for nintendo) :rolleyes:

No one forced you to buy it. :rolleyes:
BillytheImpaler said:
This update should have come out a year ago, IMO. The PSP is getting walloped by the DS and Sony doesn't seem to care.

why would they care ? theyre still making huge profits on it , and its still selling very very well

it cant really be compared with the ds tbh
G-MAN2004 said:
Joystick is alright to be honest. Daxter rules :D

The joystick can be a pain, my thumb slips off it a lot

Ratchet rules more :p

Oh as for the no 2nd analogue stick, well it's pretty obvious isn't it? no games in the past would be able to use it, and games near end of development would use it neither.

The problem isn't a missing 2nd analogue stick, the problem is what methods the devs use to overcome this issue.
does the new one allow dark alex firmware to run on it or have they changed the main board?

if i ever pick a new one up that will be the deciding factor :)

new model = no hombrew? = i wont touch if no
second hand old one = i touch if something happens to mine
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ajgoodfellow said:
- The position of the On/Off switch is such that I keep turning off the unit when using the buttons on the top
- The control system is seriously poor - why haven't they put on a second analogue stick? GTA is rather painful to play to say the least!
- They haven't mentioned anything about replacing the rather poor screen shipped with the units
- What about the poor battery life?

I don't see the point in Sony doing anything to the PSP without addressing the problems ajgoodfellow mentioned above. Seems pretty pointless. I mean it's not exactly hugely thick or crazily heavy as it is, what's the point?
Makes me want a PSP again. Looks a lot thinner than the 10% i heard...

Thing about the PSP is its supposed to be a multimedia powerhouse, but its massivley lacking in the media front, being able to drop divx files etc straight to it would be great, aswel as wma/wmv playsforsure.

If it did the above and also replced the UMD with a 30gb HDD, sold games on memory sticks I would get one in a heartbeat. Surley flash memory is cheaper than UMD?
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BillytheImpaler said:
Why? It's a handheld device on which users play games. That seems to make them comparable.

completly different technology inside it , complete different price range , the games are completely different styles too

its like comparing the wii to the 360 and ps3 ....... and no one does

anyway mr reply was based on your "theyre getting walloped and need to do a full redesign comment"

its not doing bad at all
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Actually always preferred the PSP design to any other portable device and didnt really evre have a problem with the screen. The UMD was a good idea about 18 months - 2 years too late (and too expensive for movies esp)

Its also reported that the new PSP actually loads all games faster - or certainly was reading on anandtech as such.

I agree about the power button being in the wrong place , I would just like the rumoured mni PS3 games played on the PSP to come to fruit.
Too little too late imo.
The battery life increase is good.
But it still doesnt fix the flaws that it has that has seen it fail. Lack of quality, original, games.
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