New samsung gear VR

How do I play vr apps I've downloaded from playstore? I open the app and it tells me to insert the phone into the headset. Once I've done that the oculus software takes over and I'm stuck with all there content. Theres no way to select the apps through the oculus store. Maybe I should uninstall the oculus app and then try
I think you need to disable the Gear VR app, so it doesn't take over when you plug it in. Package Disabler on the Play Store can do this.
Joined the club and enjoying it lots. This thing paid for itself just by making the girlfriend scream during Sisters (horror app). Currently experimenting with 3d films, whilst safely tucked away under a mushroom in Ant Cinema.
currently showing as In Stock at Samsung - £80 if anyone is tempted

Am really tempted, includes free next day delivery. So am i right in thinking this works spot on with my S6 mobile?

I can just see me using it a bit and not going back to it, sell it to me folks! Im tempted by vr but the oculus is way too steep for me to justify at the moment (not saying its not worth it, just fir me i would need a few pc upgrades too!)

Also how do we control the games? Obviously via movemnt but i see you can buy a controller too, can we use other controllers?

Whats the resolution of say netflix like?

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Imagine looking through one of those American screen doors, that's what it looks like. Its very pixelated and spoils the effect for me.
I would disagree. I would say imagine having your own amazing home theatre, or even cinema :) I guess you will need to try it to see if it works for you.
I watched my first 3D movie the other night, The Martian. Never really been a fan of 3D movies but it works pretty great actually. About to watch Minions in 3D now :)
does anyone know the general consensus of the best phone to use for this. I keep hearing the smaller phones have heating issues.
I had a play of one of these today and I must say it was a cool 5 mins with the Apatosaurus demo. The visuals are admittedly a bit low res and flickery, but you have a real sense of scale and it really felt like the dino was coming to check me out. It was a fun experience.
I don't think people really understand until they've tried it. I have had lots of people quite indifferent to it, then afterwards are looking up if they can get one for their phone...
I don't think people really understand until they've tried it. I have had lots of people quite indifferent to it, then afterwards are looking up if they can get one for their phone...


Has anyone out of curiosity (without going into any graphic detail) tried adult content? Is the next gen of pr0n?
Has anyone here tried Google Cardboard and Gear VR? How do they compare?

I got cardboard out of curiosity and while I expected it to be low res, I had no idea the viewable area would be so small and square. This ruined the experience far more than the resolution for me. By no means was my peripheral vision even remotely challenged.

I don't think people really understand until they've tried it. I have had lots of people quite indifferent to it, then afterwards are looking up if they can get one for their phone...

I see this posted an awful lot, but I never hear people's attempts to describe what's it's actually like, emotionally. It's always the pixels, the FoV, the sounds, the resolution, or the comfort. Never the degree of immersion.

Although I accept that the latter is largely a function of the former, I want to hear reviews focus on it more than the technical aspects since in my view, that's the most important part.
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But that's the problem, all you can say is 'it feels like you're really there'. How do you describe immersion? Have you watched my video review? I did the best I could to describe it...

Has anyone here tried Google Cardboard and Gear VR? How do they compare?

For me cardboard wasn't even close to the experience of Gear VR. Even cardboard apps running in the Gear VR don't seem as good as actual Gear VR apps.

Field of view, whilst not complete, is much better I think.

Has anyone out of curiosity (without going into any graphic detail) tried adult content? Is the next gen of pr0n?

I did, erm, stumble across a 3D movie of some sorts. I wasn't that impressed, but then I think the full 360 VR experience will be a different matter.
What games are worth buying. I know they not particularly expensive but rather not waste £5.

Also, using the side controller is a pain in the ass. I guess its worth getting a controller?

I did try quake. As epic as it was the amount of spinning around made me want to puke!

So far I'm enjoying it though. I just hope the quality on the CV1 will be a fair bit better then the gear VR.

Overall I'm enjoying it. Netflix and general videos are excellent.
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