ok so my total from the sales...

Mass Effect
Unreal Deal
The Witcher
Chronicles of Riddick
Defense Grid
Killing Floor
Pirates of the burning Sea

erf :/

Busy installing Riddick atm, where do I access the butcher bay stuff?
In the actual game?
BF2 Support is crap, still waiting on an email back to unlock my account :(
Torchlight is amazing some fo the mods are a great laugh.
Been tied up in tochlight so much I aint played much lol
I was so tempted to purchase killing floor last night but I thought to myself that silent hill was the same price and I didn't buy that so I thought I'd leave it as I missed the deal.

Lucky me it came back and none of the games I bought yesterday have been reduced for today.

still pondering some risky games :)
Certainly Steam could and should have handled this better, having special offers one day, and then cutting the price yet further another day is a bad way to treat loyal customers :(
Downloading the demos for Defense Grid and Torchlight, so might make another purchase soon ;)

Just bought both tonight. Tried the Defense grid demo earlier today and enjoyed it. It's just Tower Defence but very pretty and decent atmosphere.

Torchlight, I had tried the demo a while back, and at that low low price too good to miss out on.
my steam community page tells me that Robert1986 has pretty much brought every game sold on steam

good work my friend

my new years resolution is to FINISH all the games i currently own

i have worked out that i have 66 games to complete :eek:
i have a backed up save game on my NAS for half way through bioshock [sold it before finishing]

for <£4 im gonna have to buy it again so i can finish it
cant remember why i didnt finish it first time round????

oh, thats right. i got it the same week that L4D1 was released
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