Which ones of these do you guys think i should buy ??

Borderlands £29.99 £20.09
Indigo Prophecy £6.99 £2.37
Tropico 3 £29.99 £14.99
Tomb Raider: Anniversary £13.99 £9.37
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood £34.99 £17.49
World in Conflict: Complete Edition £19.99 £9.99
Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition £29.99 £22.49
Silent Hunter® III £4.99 £2.49
Silent Hunter®: Wolves of the Pacific £14.99 £7.49
Silent Hunter®: Wolves of the Pacific U-Boat Missions £8.99 £4.49

I really want all of them,but there no way am going spend that amount..
I already had GTA4 retail, but I flipped a coin as to whether to get it on steam or not. Coin said I should, so I did. TBH though, disks are a pain up the arse.
I want to buy killing floor but so far I find it crud, although I've only played 10 minutes single player to be fair.

Can someone sell it to me?

Is the multiplayer tactical, intense, very team orientated or/and active?
Which ones of these do you guys think i should buy ??

Borderlands £29.99 £20.09
Indigo Prophecy £6.99 £2.37
Tropico 3 £29.99 £14.99
Tomb Raider: Anniversary £13.99 £9.37
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood £34.99 £17.49
World in Conflict: Complete Edition £19.99 £9.99
Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition £29.99 £22.49
Silent Hunter® III £4.99 £2.49
Silent Hunter®: Wolves of the Pacific £14.99 £7.49
Silent Hunter®: Wolves of the Pacific U-Boat Missions £8.99 £4.49

I really want all of them,but there no way am going spend that amount..

Fallout 3 without a doubt. It's by far the best game out of those imo and has days of gameplay in it, really. You can rush through faster but if you do all the side quests etc it'll take ages. I'm on my 3rd playthough too! Just got the GOTY so going to try some of the DLCs soon. Though I got it for £14.98 retail box.
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