Fingers crossed work sort out my pay issue tomorrow so I can finalise some deal action before 5pm. Underpaid for the second month running :mad:. I want the Fallout 3 GOTY edition!
right gone through and these ones stick out for me

sniper elite
darkstar one
killing floor (dlc worth getting?)
defense grid
alpha prime
The Secret of Monkey Island™: Special Edition

I'd also like a strategy game that's something like "War of The Ring" or like that bbc2 show that had people replaying famous battles with massive armies.

sounds vague but it's not my sort of thing. Either historic based or fantasy if anyone has any recommendations, nothing over £10 :)
Right, last purchase, just got world of goo, I am now obsessively checking down all the different lists of games to check that I haven't missed any I wanted... which I haven't, and hadn't the last 9000 times I checked either :mad: ... I must force myself to go to sleep now or I'll still be here tomorrow morning lol... *hopes for powercut*
anybody else trying to download GTA4?

its going abnormally slow and seems to be halted on 8% for some time.

and yes i know the servers are getting destroyed with traffic, but just wondering if its game specific :)
anybody else trying to download GTA4?

its going abnormally slow and seems to be halted on 8% for some time.

and yes i know the servers are getting destroyed with traffic, but just wondering if its game specific :)

Downloading it now at the full speed my connection will allow.

It will be related to the shear amount of traffic going through Steam at the moment though. Just keep pausing and restarting it, should get going.
It took me best part of 3-4 days to download GTA4. It's 16gb in total. Average speed, no matter what location I picked, was around 270k/sec.

And I paid £20 for it 4 days ago ( figured they would lower it after that again... :( )
Which ones of these do you guys think i should buy ??

Borderlands £29.99 £20.09
Indigo Prophecy £6.99 £2.37
Tropico 3 £29.99 £14.99
Tomb Raider: Anniversary £13.99 £9.37
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood £34.99 £17.49
World in Conflict: Complete Edition £19.99 £9.99
Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition £29.99 £22.49
Silent Hunter® III £4.99 £2.49
Silent Hunter®: Wolves of the Pacific £14.99 £7.49
Silent Hunter®: Wolves of the Pacific U-Boat Missions £8.99 £4.49

I really want all of them,but there no way am going spend that amount..

Indigo Prophecy (AKA Fahrenheit) is very good, well worth £2.37 even if the ending sucks. Most of the others look 'overpriced', or at least not bargain-tastic compared to the deals we've been seeing.
nah was 0.99p now £4.49 !

Actually I think it was £8.99, it's just that the strikethrough makes you think it was a zero at the start.
Easy to see if you check the "Counter-Strike 1 Anthology", when you view the inner details with non-struck through font you can clearly see it's £8.99.
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