If anybody wants a Killing Floor guest pass let me know, I've got one left and I'll remote desktop to my PC and send it you if you don't reply before I leave for college.

Be quick though, the deal ends at 5PM or so and the download is around 2.2Gb so keep that in mind.
Anyone that wants my pass will have to email me via trust sorry, on the way to college now. I'll do my best to get on my PC remotely and add you on Steam and then send it!
Well that's it then. All those deals and I only bought one. Red Alert 3.

They were good deals for sure, but for the most part I would have only be buying the games cause they were cheap, not because i actually wanted to play them :)

If I hadn't already have bought it, Torchlight would have been an excellent bargain, also was tempted by Trine. Few others were also very tempting but again, only cause they were cheap.

Still, that was a happy and frantic couple of weeks for steam deals :)
Not having played many games like Torchlight I wasn't that into the demo as there's a lot to figure out etc but is it worth getting and sticking with as it seems like a game you have to really put the time into ...
I didn't like the Torchlight demo and I gave it a lot of chance to impress me. Obviously it isn't my type of game and I don't see how perservering with it would make me suddenly start liking it.
Will take most users less than 5 minutes to set up and then less than 10 seconds for future use.

People seriously exaggerate how much a pain setting up a GFWL and Rockstar Social Club account is (or rather, I can't understand how people claim it to be so difficult). It took me a couple minutes at most to set both up. I've encountered no problems so far and have played for more than 20 hours.
Not having played many games like Torchlight I wasn't that into the demo as there's a lot to figure out etc but is it worth getting and sticking with as it seems like a game you have to really put the time into ...

Its more just a game you get addicted to playing once you figure out what your doing or try to do something on your own. Plus its easy as hell to mod it. I didn't think i'd play it much to begin with but it is quite enjoyable, albeit, very repetitive.
Titan Quest Gold - 4.34 GBP
Killing Floor - 3.26 GBP
Defense Grid: The Awakening - 1.52 GBP
Torchlight - 3.26 GBP
DarkStar One - 2.60 GBP
Dark Sector - 3.03 GBP
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition - 3.03 GBP
Alpha Prime - 0.51 GBP
Sniper Elite - 1.56 GBP
Medieval II: Total War (ROW) - 2.17 GBP
Rome: Total War Gold - 1.08 GBP

Yeah :p

Sign up to Rockstar social
Sign up and install Windows Live for games
Link the two accounts together
Sign in to Steam
Sign in to Rockstar social
Sign in to Windows live for games (which would not work without having to open ports)
Then I could play - took me around 40 mins including googling why I could not log into WLFG whilst in GTA4.

Was a pain :p
Ah too bad, I already had GFWL on my PC so I just had to sign up for the Rockstar thing then link them together.
Yeah :p

Sign up to Rockstar social
Sign up and install Windows Live for games
Link the two accounts together
Sign in to Steam
Sign in to Rockstar social
Sign in to Windows live for games (which would not work without having to open ports)
Then I could play - took me around 40 mins including googling why I could not log into WLFG whilst in GTA4.

Was a pain :p

well ive just timed it and its took me exactly surprise surprise 40mins.
it crashed when i try to sign into my profile and i didnt have a clue after that where to find this gamertag.

worse thing is after all that messing about i cant play it because half the textures aren't loading in the game.

what a waste of time and money.
I didn't like the Torchlight demo and I gave it a lot of chance to impress me. Obviously it isn't my type of game and I don't see how perservering with it would make me suddenly start liking it.

Its an OCD type of game. If you like loot and clicking the left mouse button, then this is your game.

I think its great but feel it could be so much more. By the time they bring out the MMO for this game, Diablo 3 will probably be out and no one will care about torchlight.

True story.

well ive just timed it and its took me exactly surprise surprise 40mins.
it crashed when i try to sign into my profile and i didnt have a clue after that where to find this gamertag.

worse thing is after all that messing about i cant play it because half the textures aren't loading in the game.

what a waste of time and money.

Half the fun of being a pc gamer is trying to get your games to actually work. :D
Honestly i've just avoided anything that requires me to make an account elsewhere. I dont have any GFWL games. I made a thread or post about GFWL before and got shot down by most of the PC Games subforum (although i have that effect in here) but it's nice to see my views aren't isolated.

The one exception i've found is the Bioware accounts for DA:O, although they were fiddly to set up and can be tempremental in game (times out a lot), i havent found any real problems with them.

They're just annoying and most of the time only used for achievements or points or some crap that should be optional :(
Half the fun of being a pc gamer is trying to get your games to actually work. :D

pirates dont have the problem...i aint kidding i pirated this game when it first came out and getting in game was almost instant.....try b4 i buy usually works well.
but i see people talking on these forums about this game and thought i must have missed something...ok its cheap and time to buy it and look what happens.:p
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