Is GTA4 for the PC worth getting? I heard it was a really buggy, resource-intensive piece of **** but Im not sure?
Is GTA4 for the PC worth getting? I heard it was a really buggy, resource-intensive piece of **** but Im not sure?

That's what is putting me off... £5 is cheap but it's all relative, it isn't cheap if it's £5 for a bug ridden heap of turd that'll never actually play... :o
Not buggy just resource hungry i.e quad and a half decent gfx card and plenty of ram. I have it and its nice but i duno i just stopped playing as its no fun really like in SA. Worlds too small, just a city no countryside or desert, moving around is too awkard. Crap at start. Only thing going for it was the gfx and cars imo.
i would happily spend 5 pounds extra for retail copy of GTA4 so i can have....THE BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like boxes
Haven't looked through all of them but further to the ones mentioned here there are;

Mirrors Edge - £3.21
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl - £1.39
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky - £3.99
GUN - £4.99
Rome Total War - £1.24

Already have Mirrors Edge, but would definitely recommend at that price.
Not sure on GUN, but I heard good things when it came out and it's worth a punt for the price of 2 pints.

Good find :)
Is GTA4 for the PC worth getting? I heard it was a really buggy, resource-intensive piece of **** but Im not sure?

It runs fine for me an on E6600 with 2gigs of ram and a 4870. Looks nice, runs well and I havent run into a single problem.

Glad these deals are back, great change to pickup some fantastic games for next to nothing, its like christmas come ever so slightly early :D.
Bought rome tw for 1.xx ish. Tho payed with paypal after steam said there was a prob so have to booger about with support to get it in my games section grr.
Just bought Shadow of Chernobyl with the last 1.50 in my paypal.

Look's like i will have somthing to spend my christmas money on. :D

They also have Deux ex goty edition for under a fiver too.

Is the steam one compatible with the high res textures/engine mods out there?

They also have Deux ex goty edition for under a fiver too.

Is the steam one compatible with the high res textures/engine mods out there?

It should be, you should just need to place them in a slightly different location.
The Eidos and Codemasters collections are utter bargains.

Eidos one is £35.49 for 20 games including Arkham Asylum and Mini Ninjas, while the Codemasters one is £44.99 with 18 games including Dirt 2 and Dragon Rising.

Going to be very skint, very soon...
I've seen the original half life up for 49p before (not atm).

Grumble grumble, probably going to get gta4, gonna sleep on it first.
AARGH them trying to tempt me to buy games, I just told myself not to waste any more money on games I'll only touch one or twice and never after. VERRRRY tempted to buy stalker but I'm pretty sure I'll give up on it within an hour of playing like when I did when it got released.

In the past few months I bought TRA, TRU, 1701 AD, GRID, UT3, Red Orchestra, Monster trucks nitro, and more games, only to never play them, that money could have been used on many things I would have had far more fun on like:

Say, 5 crates of beers.
About 15-20 joints, trying different marijuana types.
Enough petrol to go drifting around a car park till my tires were slicks, or hell, the petrol to drive to a track like Zandvoort or Assen or Nurburgring and do a few laps ( yeah not including the petrol for ON the track or the tickets).
Or many other things I would have got more of my money's worth from.
my god, steam is bleeding me dry lately with all these offers!

Can't say no to GTA4 at that price!

that edios deal looks good too! and so many of the indie games on offer!
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