Is GTA4 for the PC worth getting? I heard it was a really buggy, resource-intensive piece of **** but Im not sure?

Yes, totally worth getting. Not a single problem here. Runs great on max settings for me. It's one of the best games I've ever played in my life.

I like it so much, I've already clocked it 3 times.
Defense Grid and Audiosurf for under £2 each?

Guess what all my friends are getting for Christmas.



If you've never played it, get it. There is literally no better way to spend £1.39.
PC Steam deals - up to 80% off!!



Limited time offer:-
Mirror's Edge 3.24
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising 14.99
Defense Grid: The Awakening 1.74
Grand Theft Auto IV 4.99
Stalker £1.39!

also, ubisoft games are up to 50% off

eidos pack - £35.49 - seems pretty good and includes the superb batman
Includes: Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, Hitman: Blood Money, Battlestations: Midway, Just Cause, Hitman: Codename 47, Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition, Deus Ex: Invisible War, Thief: Deadly Shadows, Tomb Raider: Legend, Project: Snowblind, Rogue Trooper, Infernal, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, Conflict: Denied Ops, Tomb Raider: Underworld, Shellshock 2: Blood Trails, Battlestations Pacific, Mini Ninjas, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Flora's Fruit Farm


Unreal deal pack 7.81
(Includes: Unreal 2: The Awakening, Unreal Tournament 3 Black, Unreal Tournament 2004: Editor's Choice Edition, Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition, Unreal Gold)

also atari games via steam software are up to 66% off eg new Ghostbusters game is £5.09 and so is The Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena

More deals
Rome: Total War gold - £1.24
Trine is 6.79 - one of my current favourite games

taken from a site but i bought Braid for £1.74!
Ah audiosurf is so relaxing. And made much nicer with the workaround for aa fix :) Damn the jaggies were terrible but now thats fixed its musci/gaming heaven. :)
Sweeeeet! i just bought GRAW, Red Faction, JK:Jedi Academy and Full Spectrum Warrior for just £13.98!
ummmm, highly tempted by Empire: Total War for £14.99. Is it worth it or should I just wait for Napolean in Feb?
How about the DLC for Empire, also worth it? :o
It runs fine for me an on E6600 with 2gigs of ram and a 4870. Looks nice, runs well and I havent run into a single problem.

Glad these deals are back, great change to pickup some fantastic games for next to nothing, its like christmas come ever so slightly early :D.

OMG,if thats true,i,m going to Have to buy it.......cheers matey.:D
Did anybody play Ghostbusters? Worth a go?

There is no reason why anybody shouldn't own Defense Grid at that price, played for over 250 hours so far and still loving it.

Think I'm going to hang back with spending loads until the end of the sale, will check out the daily deals first.
At least with these Steam deals you don't have to rush and buy stuff before it runs out of stock. You know when the deals are going to finish, so you don't need to worry about missing the last copy or anything like that. I've already got a lot of the decent stuff from previous Steam deals, but I've got my eye on one or two things already.

I'll leave it until tomorrow before I inevitably empty the contents of my bank account. :(

I dunno, we had one guy go mental because a steam deal ended a day and a half late, but he still didn't get round to buying the game for cheap until that evening (2 days after the deal should have ended) and thus missed out on it.
Some amazing deals on there! I fear for my wallet over the next week and a bit. If I didn't have them already, the X2/X3 pack for £5.49 is an absolute steal at that price!
Really want to get The Witcher and Deus Ex but I'm thinking about whether I'll have time to play them. Saying that, I think there's only one game in my collection I've not got around to completing yet and that's Stalker: Clear Sky...
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