Hmm... Mirrors Edge for £3.24. For that price I'll check it out and see what the fuss is about.
Edit - Is call of cthulhu any good?
ummmm, highly tempted by Empire: Total War for £14.99. Is it worth it or should I just wait for Napolean in Feb?
How about the DLC for Empire, also worth it?![]()
Its worth it with the warpath campaign, don't bother with elite units or anything.
Its probably worth waiting for an even better deal later on (there is bound to be a better price) and get Napolean later. its not as if there aren't enough games going cheaply on Steam at the minute to keep you occupied! Get Rome. I did. Never played that one but have played all the others.
Also, is Unreal Tournament 3 Black worth it? I'm tempted by the deal. Have only played the original Unreal Tournament, is it just like that but new and more vehicles?
The Witcher Enhanced edition. Worth it at £7.81 ?
Gta4 for 4.99? wow sales must have plummeted.
My ISP is going to disconnect me if I download anything else![]()
i almost bought gta4 but then i came to my senses. i already own the retail dvd. i was just tempted because it meant i wouldn't have to get the disk out whenever i want to play.![]()