Tales of Valour yesterday, today CIV4 pack and osmos! Regretting not buying King Arthur from yesterday,the demo was good! So many games so little time! I'm hoping for the crysis pack tomorrow.

Max Payne 1 n 2 are v.good for those who havnt played it. My very first release day buys.
RCT 1 and 2 are true classics. RCT3 just didn't have the same feeling, even if the graphics were better and supposedly more fun. However, this may be very subjective as I was a fan of RCT and played it loads.
Spied RCT 3 in the publisher sale banner on Steam earlier and quite fancied picking it up but it seems Steam has none of the RCT games and only has a trailer for the third one. What's the point if you cant buy it? :rolleyes:

US only game for whatever reason. Very few if any online shops are good at marketing right things to the right people. I get offers in mail every day that are only for UK or US customers.
Why my steam only showing these deals now :confused::(

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Holy crap Osmos is awesome! Been playing it for the last couple of hours in some sort of trance, simple but damn addictive! Wonderful visuals and music as well :)
Some of the later levels are deceptively tricky, or, I'm terrible at it. For the price it's a great little chillout game though, especially the orbital levels. They'd make a neat screensaver IMO.
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