New to WOW.

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18 Jan 2003
Hey guys.

Bough WOW today and I am installing it atm (5 disks!!!)

Just wondering what tips you guys can give me?

And how long will it take to update it? I am guessing that there is a big patch and stuff.

prob have to patch it up a few times takes a while the blizzard downloader is abit slow at times

grab a cup of tea and sit back and wait :P

the game itself u jump right into id recomend going on the eonar server as its one of the newest servers around so you can pretty much level up with people who has the same experience :)
NightmareXX said:
I've been thinking about getting WoW for a while but I'm not sure if its worth it. Anyone feel like swaying me?
I put off getting it for ages. Then I made the fatal mistake.... I bought it and now it has taken over my life :o :D Well a bit of an exaggeration but now I am into it I find I am playing it far too much :)
if you want to be "good" at WoW you have to rely on other people, which is always a bad thing. You need to want to devote a second life to it, level to 60 in about 10days played max (I did this in a month on my paladin), then spend 4-6hours per night from 6pm onward for raids or grind honour everyday doing the same monotonous thing over and over or dropping the same boss every day or week hoping you'll get the item you want and someone won't spend more DKP than you.

Then you realise from day 1 to now, you've actually got no where :) because WoW doesn't have an end, you either become addicted to it and keep playing it because you like a net social life or you realise the game itself is flawed and quit or option C; you are admitted to A&E.
hr18 said:

hes pretty much exactly right though wow can be an enjoyable game... it is essentially a huge time sink when you look at it. the whole aspect of not being able to "complete" was nice at first, but it just boils down to spending huge chunks of time collecting gear rather than playing the game..

ive stopped playing quite a while ago now, though i do get tempted to re-subscribe every time i see the new content... but then i remember about all the time you have to put into it and it just puts me off. just look at any player with decent gear and find out what their total play time is.. totally sick :|
it can be very time consuming, just look at my sig for proof, but the rewards can be very good. The game is what you make of it :)

EDIT : hehe i dont put that many hours in at work :D
macca672 said:
it can be very time consuming, just look at my sig for proof, but the rewards can be very good. The game is what you make of it :)

EDIT : hehe i dont put that many hours in at work :D

you've played for 44 hours this week?!?! its only wednesday buddy. Seriously thats not healthy! i'd be walking around work wondering what loot i could pick up from hacking my boss with my +40 axe of smiting if i played that much :p
There is plenty of fun to be had in the game for those that don't take it too seriously. Yes, you can spend all your waking hours playing and attempt to get all the top items, but if you choose to just play an hour a day there is still plenty of content for you - at least until you reach level 60 which will take a few months if you just play casually.

I would suggest that you make the effort to group with a few people - this will help you do some of the harder quests and also this will help you find a guild of nice people.

Another tip is to customise your UI. There are loads of UI mods available now and many are very useful.

Have fun!
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If you want to get the most out of the game (end game raiding etc) then you need to play it a lot.

It's also alright for the casual gamer though, the leveling system is pretty nice to just pick up and play with the quests and everything.

The real game starts at level 60 though imo :)
Levelling is fun, hitting 60 is boring as sin!

If you vary your races, you can get in 4 characters before things start to feel too samey.

Even starting a new class doesn't help if you've done The Deadmines 30 times already.

I enjoyed it for the year I played it, but raiding once you hit 60 was tedious and a complete waste of time.

People that say the game starts at 60 are deluded.
Tommy D said:
....The real game starts at level 60 though imo :)

Only if you have the time to sink into it.What is there at lvl 60 apart from end-game instances and equipment upgrades? PvP? No.You can either spend 14 hours a day trying to gain rank with the abysmal honour system or gank low lvls.I don't have the time to devote 4+ hours in the evening just to run 1 instance.

The social aspect of the game can be it's saving grace though..I've met some great,genuine people in the game since beta.Although you have to look hard past all the kiddies tbh ;)

To the OP..Just jump in and play a class you like the look of.Don't fall into the 'I want to be a class that's needed' trap.And ignore the idiots.And never read the official forums.Ever :D (full of 'ZOMG Overpowered mages/locks/hunters/rogues/shaman NERF PLXXX!?! etc)
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The problem with people saying a game starts at a certain level is why bother playing the early levels to get there when it takes so long? :confused:

There's a lot of content to explore for new players, dungeons/instances to explore, professions to level up (like mining or fishing), class abilities, etc. Take your time getting to know the game rather than worrying about leveling quickly and you'll enjoy it a lot more.
yep the expansion pack is out soon,

but is that a problem?

2 new races they start at lvl 0.

Its one of the only games i can honestly say i have played for nearly 2 years now. Been playing since release.

This game took me away from desert combat, i had a brief stint on bf2 didnt enjoy it. So went back to WoW.
LabR@t said:
mate give me 10 day pass - didn't like it !

10 days is hardly time to judge a game of WoW's scale, you saw maybe 5% of the game at most, plus the game doesnt start to shine until you hit 60 tbh
The problem i've been hearing about the expansion pack is that because the level cap is changing to 85 (i think), the current end game content will be made next to useless, and so that awesome +10 dagger or something that you spent 60 hours raiding in MC for will become useless next to a standard lvl 85 weapon.

Plus all the work they've done creating end game content, such as the new instances, will just become pointless. They're going to have to make some major changes which may not be all that beneficial, i know i would be annoyed if i spent the last year creating an uber character only to have it made average in one sweep of an expansion.
its only going to be level70 btw. 10 levels difference on epics is nothing anyway, for example kroll blade is a level50ish epic sword, with stats better than pretty much all the level60 blue swords. yes all this stuff will still be wasted, level70 guilds wont be going to mc/bwl/naxx for any reason and im sure blizzard knows of this, maybe they will convert mc/bwl/naxx into 10/15 man raid dungeons for 62's , 65's and 68's or something and ofcourse change the loot table so we dont have every newb on the realm running around with tier3 epics...
carrying on from the end game content argument,

i would rather new content continued to be added, i dont want the game to end!!

If new content prolongs the life of the game its all good as far as im concerned,

Blizz are not soe, this is not a swg's type collosal &%*( up.
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