New to WOW.

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v1bez said:
30 hours? I hope your joking, the guild im in does a 2-3 hour MC run and completes it and 3-4 hour BWL and completes it every week. It's hardly a chore and doesn't take very long at all. You put the effort in, you reap the rewards and benefits.

you're guild evidently knows what its doing and/or has a lot of epic geared people, MC takes 8hours for a blue geared guild who are gaining a few epics here and there and even then at first some bosses can't be taken due to gear defficiency.

When a instance is on farm status its a completely different story so don't say its a common thing for this to happen straight away :)
I played wow non stop for 7 months. It took over my life so I stopped playing. But I am getting the urge to play again.

Wow is legalised crack honestly.
speeduk said:
I played wow non stop for 7 months. It took over my life so I stopped playing. But I am getting the urge to play again.

Wow is legalised crack honestly.

this guy is right
v1bez said:
30 hours? I hope your joking, the guild im in does a 2-3 hour MC run and completes it and 3-4 hour BWL and completes it every week. It's hardly a chore and doesn't take very long at all. You put the effort in, you reap the rewards and benefits.

My guild raid for 4-5 hours per day, 5 or 6 days a week. Most of them are online for a lot longer than that too. In fact, if they can, they will raid all day Saturday and Sunday (ZG/AQ/Ony).
Also if you have a decent guild they will judge you and give you epic drops depending on how much you play. To be in a serious guild you need good gear and lots of time to play. The first of which requires a ton of time anyway. In WOW the big winners in terms of gear etc. are people who are happy to waste too much time. People who dont have the time simply cant compete. There also doesnt seem to be that much assesment on real skill in the game.
hr18 said:
you're guild evidently knows what its doing and/or has a lot of epic geared people, MC takes 8hours for a blue geared guild who are gaining a few epics here and there and even then at first some bosses can't be taken due to gear defficiency.

When a instance is on farm status its a completely different story so don't say its a common thing for this to happen straight away :)

Well yeah it's on farm status, but after you've worked out the bosses and know how to beat them and kill them on a regular basis it's counted as farm status. Yeah the guild is in all t1/t2 and even t2.5 epics from aq but that's not the point neither does it make us run 100% faster. I know a new guild who all know what they are doing mostly in blues complete mc in like 4-5 hours, which is quite impressive. You just need to have the communication and people who listen and it's easy peasy.

I know what it's like being undergeared and wiping non stop, i've dealt with it in the past. Put the effort in and reap the rewards is what i did, even if i couldn't raid all night or everyday i still took part in what i could and came out pretty well out of it.
Bracco said:
My guild raid for 4-5 hours per day, 5 or 6 days a week. Most of them are online for a lot longer than that too. In fact, if they can, they will raid all day Saturday and Sunday (ZG/AQ/Ony).

My guid raids every day - but we have enough members to allow others a break so they don't have to take part in every one. People still get what they want, just need to save for a bit longer compared to all the daily ones. So in a sense the more time you put in the quicker you get it, but on that scale you'll end up with all the stuff anyway just later than the ones who put the most time into it.
v1bez said:
My guid raids every day - but we have enough members to allow others a break so they don't have to take part in every one. People still get what they want, just need to save for a bit longer compared to all the daily ones. So in a sense the more time you put in the quicker you get it, but on that scale you'll end up with all the stuff anyway just later than the ones who put the most time into it.

We are still relatively small, and the group doesn't change very much per raid. We also keep recruiting people who will raid at least 3/4 nights a week, so it is almost impossible to catch up in terms of dkp. My guild is one of the most casual ones on the server for farming MC and most of BWL too... :o.
meh, wow is addictive

i managed to take an extended break from wow for about five months to sort my school life out, but i came back because i was in a guild ful of some of the most awesome people i know

but i think it's a game that's most fun with friends at first, then later on after playing on a server for a few months, whoever else you have met

without a good guild at lvl60 you will get bored very easily, and in most cases raiding can take up one night a week as most of the people you do it with have their own lives aswell, it's all about finding a guild with the right raiding imes and people for you, after that it's all shiney waste of your money and time whilst having good time :)
Legalised crack, got to agree with that. :)

Still, for £9 a month (3 pints) you certainly get your moneys worth..
Bracco said:
Ah, you make me laugh. Your attitude is exactly the same as the 14 year olds in my guild <yawn>.
Do you just have no reasonable explanation to this then?

Ooh, someone's jealous they don't have epics. :(
speeduk said:
I played wow non stop for 7 months. It took over my life so I stopped playing. But I am getting the urge to play again.

Wow is legalised crack honestly.

I played it for 9 months, ended up with 2 60's, a 40 and a 42. :eek:

Its a game in way I wish I never played, it was good fun though, especially playing with people I already knew.

No current urges to return, and if I do get some hopefully they'll get repressed.

Oh, and when I bought it back in October it was 4 disks, so, some of the many updates will more than likely be on disk 5 now. :)
it does depend on the guild you get in tbh.

yes ofc if u play 40 hrs a week you can progress faster to lvl 60 and through instances.

but get into a small reasonable guild and you can very much enjoy levelling and the high level instances for 5-10 people. in this way the game can be a lot of fun and you play as many hours as RL allows.

once you hit 60 and start on the MC/BWL / AQ route you will find your progress is hampered if you cannot play a lot or you're in a guild with too few people.

i'm in a pretty large horde guild on my server. we're fairly casual in all honesty. i usually make 3 raids a week. we raid 5 or 6 times a week.

as a new player you certinly need to give a char a go til you're about lvl 20 to get a good look at *** that class can do and will be able to do at higher levels.

but yes its very addictive.
TBH at first i loved it, i got into a nice guild quite early and start having a good time lvling. Most of my lvling was done solo which was fine, but then.............i hit 60 on my warrior :( and thats when i stop playing.

The thing i dont like about wow is, to have a real good character you have to put in too many hours and depend on a lot of other people to get your epic. Even then you have to do the same instances a lot of times because the item you need aint always dropped or other warriors in the group would want the item to if it does.

I loved the older mmorpg like myth of soma where being in groups was fun but not necessary to have a very good character and you didnt have to put in a lot of hours, you played at your own pace. Hopefully Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning wont make getting into groups or having to play for hours essential for having a strong character.

Offtopic: anyone know of any other mmorpg where grouping/spending hours isnt a must for acquiring the best equipment?

*edit* whoops forgot to answer OP, what i recommend is do what i did at first, create a few different characters and play them till they are each around 15-20 (doesn't take that long).
After that find out which you like the best and stick with that as your main characters and switch to the others when you are bored.
Also dont do what i did and rush to lvl up, the best time i had with wow was getting from lvl 15 to 60 (quit after 60 because i found it to be carp after that, you might not).
Finally make sure all you characters are on the same server, makes it a lot easier when your main character can buy equipments and mail it to your other characters (unless you want to experiment on different kinds of server i.e. pvp, pve, rp-pvp).

Also guilds make the game a lot more fun.
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