New to WOW.

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World of Warcraft is truly an amazing game if you give it a chance at the start. You need to level a character up to at least level 20 before you can really grasp what that character is like to play, and you might end up going through 3 or 4 characters before choosing a class you really enjoy. I had the luxury of being in the betas and was able to level a few characters to level 16 - 18 before the launch so I already knew at launch that I wanted a Night Elf Rogue. When my Rogue hit around level 42 I started levelling up a Priest alongside my Rogue because my Guild needed healers. I enjoyed the Priest thoroughly even though I knew nothing about them when I first started levelling him, and now out of my two level 60's, my Priest is my main character and I use my Rogue for hunting / farming / battlegrounds. There is never a time where I log into WoW and don't have something to do. I can go and run some level 60 quests, I can farm for cash to buy nice stuff, I can raid with my Guild, surf the AH for a bargain, chat to friends, whatever I want. It is never a chore.

It is the only game that I keep going back to. I've bought loads of games for my 360, PC, PSP and DS but they hardly ever get played because WoW is just far too enjoyable. Ok, so it's not for everybody, but there is so much to do and it does have a lot of elements taken from other genres which makes it interesting.

I don't play it every night as I have a lot of other things to do too, but on the nights I do play it, I don't want to go to bed and wish I didn't have to go to work the next day because I just want to engross myself in the world of Azeroth :)

My advice is that if you're going to give it a try, give it a proper go before making a decision. Play a few characters in your 30-day free subscription and try to reach at least level 15 - 20 on them before you make your final decision on class or whether you love the game or not. If you do this, you'll be able to really know whether it's going to be for you or not.
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hr18 said:
....because WoW doesn't have an end.......
The very nature of all MMORPGs, I've never found one that does nor do I ever hope to. As with all games some will love it, some will be indifferent and some will hate it. The only way is to try it to be sure. If there are any newbies out there just post what server you are on, I'm sure if there are any current members on your server they will be glad to help.
Neolink said:
its only going to be level70 btw. 10 levels difference on epics is nothing anyway, for example kroll blade is a level50ish epic sword, with stats better than pretty much all the level60 blue swords. yes all this stuff will still be wasted, level70 guilds wont be going to mc/bwl/naxx for any reason and im sure blizzard knows of this, maybe they will convert mc/bwl/naxx into 10/15 man raid dungeons for 62's , 65's and 68's or something and ofcourse change the loot table so we dont have every newb on the realm running around with tier3 epics...

Who cares if everyone can get tier 3? That's such a pathetic attitude to have. Some people just don't have time to spend 30 hours a week in MC/BWL, does that mean they aren't "good" enough to get epics? :rolleyes:
Bracco said:
Who cares if everyone can get tier 3? That's such a pathetic attitude to have. Some people just don't have time to spend 30 hours a week in MC/BWL, does that mean they aren't "good" enough to get epics? :rolleyes:

Totally agree...some people have real lives too :D
bloodline76 said:
Totally agree...some people have real lives too :D

Thats why i got fed up of the honor system, it was all down to how many enemies you can kill in a weekly period, so you just get kids or students on holidays running around for 12 hours a day....when you have a job and gf how can you even try to compete against that.
I've been into it a fair bit in the last couple of weeks thanks to other friends getting back into it, went on a PvE server this time so I didn't have to deal with annoying gankers.
chimaera said:
Thats why i got fed up of the honor system, it was all down to how many enemies you can kill in a weekly period, so you just get kids or students on holidays running around for 12 hours a day....when you have a job and gf how can you even try to compete against that.

Thats so true. Wow was great when leveling to 60, played in new places all time but once 60 i was just thinking hmm now what?

Got boring i dont really play it anymore.
chimaera said:
Thats why i got fed up of the honor system, it was all down to how many enemies you can kill in a weekly period, so you just get kids or students on holidays running around for 12 hours a day....when you have a job and gf how can you even try to compete against that.

You cant compete thats my problem with the game. I'd prefer if it was like Bf2 where your stats dont degrade but carry on accumulating. The end game is an annoyance. If there is a reason people should play its for fun not for getting the best rewards.
If it wasnt for the crappy pvp I could forgive the ugly graphics and I would still be playing .
Bracco said:
Who cares if everyone can get tier 3? That's such a pathetic attitude to have. Some people just don't have time to spend 30 hours a week in MC/BWL, does that mean they aren't "good" enough to get epics? :rolleyes:

not even gonna bother explaining. pure flame bait, grow up :o
Im going to jump on the Wow bandwagon again, no other game has really filled that void

S7rider if you are ganna get into WOW you fancy meeting up so we can lvl up together?

Neolink said:
not even gonna bother explaining. pure flame bait, grow up :o

Actually i agree with him, if you dont have hours every day to dedicate to raiding then you can't get the best epic gear, but why should i be at a disadvantage because i have a job and can't do that, its just bad game design.

Hence why i've moved onto Guild Wars, you can play an hour a night for 6 months, and achieve the same rewards as a guy who plays 10 hours a day for 2 weeks, with WoW thats just physically impossible. I want a game that rewards my skill not one that rewards my ability to play for 10 hours at a time on a weekly basis.
Neolink said:
not even gonna bother explaining. pure flame bait, grow up :o

Ah, you make me laugh. Your attitude is exactly the same as the 14 year olds in my guild <yawn>.
Do you just have no reasonable explanation to this then?
chimaera said:
Actually i agree with him, if you dont have hours every day to dedicate to raiding then you can't get the best epic gear, but why should i be at a disadvantage because i have a job and can't do that, its just bad game design.

Hence why i've moved onto Guild Wars, you can play an hour a night for 6 months, and achieve the same rewards as a guy who plays 10 hours a day for 2 weeks, with WoW thats just physically impossible. I want a game that rewards my skill not one that rewards my ability to play for 10 hours at a time on a weekly basis.

depends how hardcore you are. myself, i raid 4 hours per WEEK, possibly 8 hours per week if i have time. i have full tier1 epic set and weapons, epic mount and a lot of gold in reserves, i only started properly raiding 2 and a half months ago . raiding can be as flexable as you want it to be, noones forcing you to go every week, or everyday and theres no need as ive found out :)
wow just isn't worth it. Those who say "oh i've got all this and hardly play" are extremely lucky because people dictate what and when you get stuff on the game. It would be good if you had a solid team of people who knew their jobs and just did the instances no problem and kept going even when they didn't need it anymore to help you, but most people are just in it for themselves.

WoW is an addictive game, even now I know it's not worth it I contemplate rerolling a new character, it has an addictive thing to it that makes it so popular, but because it is just an endless time sink rinse and repeat game it just truly isn't worth it.

But to get to my point you really need to play it for 8months solid to really understand the flaws of it, and I won't even start on being dictated to what build you should spec for raids.
Bracco said:
Who cares if everyone can get tier 3? That's such a pathetic attitude to have. Some people just don't have time to spend 30 hours a week in MC/BWL, does that mean they aren't "good" enough to get epics? :rolleyes:

30 hours? I hope your joking, the guild im in does a 2-3 hour MC run and completes it and 3-4 hour BWL and completes it every week. It's hardly a chore and doesn't take very long at all. You put the effort in, you reap the rewards and benefits.
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