New Top Gear (2011) BBC 2 8PM!

Buy one at £7k, put that spare £153,000 for repair bills. I highly doubt it will cost £150,000 to run that thing over say 9 years.

If you are in a position where a £160,000 car is easily affordable, then you've no real reason to mess about with a 10 year old CL.

This is why these cars spiral into no-mans-land.
[TW]Fox;19557484 said:
If you are in a position where a £160,000 car is easily affordable, then you've no real reason to mess about with a 10 year old CL.

This is why these cars spiral into no-mans-land.

But who's to say there isn't a guy who has the money to buy a £160k car but still want to save some pennies. There are some funny people in the world you know :p
Im not for one minute trying to say that the Pixo is better value for money than the BMW/Merc or a better car but it does have a 3 year warranty, if you bought the BMW/Merc and the gearbox went a month later you'd be s.o.o.l
[TW]Fox;19557484 said:
This is why these cars spiral into no-mans-land.

Or into the land of people who can fix cars themselves :). Or for people who dont spend all they can afford on the purchase price so can afford garage bills if they crop up. I'm going to find it hard to resist an old S-class or 7-series when I finally decide to move on from the Vauxhall barge.
Or into the land of people who can fix cars themselves :). Or for people who dont spend all they can afford on the purchase price so can afford garage bills if they crop up. I'm going to find it hard to resist an old S-class or 7-series when I finally decide to move on from the Vauxhall barge.

You're talking a relatively small number of people there, hence the no-mans-land comment.

Will be interesting to see how the TG guys get on.

Did anyone else wonder why James was not in that scene?
The gay bickering about the running costs of the two sub £7K cars can stop guys.

They already said they actually bought them, and would be running them to see what happens. You cant really say fairer than that. Im sure that if things start breaking, then the viewers will be informed and they would do another short piece on it.

Dont forget James said he bet his hair that either one of them would go bang within two weeks.

I dont know why people seem to be under the utterly moronic impression that the Mercedes would still have the running costs of "a £160K car". When you have spent so little on its purchase price, you are hardly going to take it to a Main Dealer, and use Main Dealer parts/prices. You would like any NORMAL human being, try and find the absolute cheapest way to keep it on the road. Nothing wrong with sourcing second hand parts for a £6K car.

Some people have some strange ideas about car maintenance. Perhaps they are the sort that get scared by replacing windscreen wipers or go to the main dealer to change their floor mats.... lol.
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