New Top Gear (2011) BBC 2 8PM!

But there's a difference between racing/pushing a car to its limits consistently without overstepping the mark and sliding cars around corners generating as much tyre smoke as possible.
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I think it's generally accepted (even by himself) that Clarkson is not the best driver. I would in no way call him a bad driver as he does have good car control from what I have seen and he must be able to drive given all the varied amount of cars he's driven. But take the episode where he tried to beat the time he set on GT5? He couldn't because of his "lack of balls", or the fact he only put a 1:50 around the TG track in the first reasonably priced car. I wouldn't call him a **** driver though - just not as good as you would expect him to be given his experience.
At Laguna Seca? GT5 wasn't out then was it? I remember he said something about how easy it is with GT4 to push yourself too far because you can just recover to the track and try again. In real life he knew if he pushed that hard he'd have an almightily big crash. :D
But there's a difference between racing/pushing a car to its limits consistently without overstepping the mark and sliding cars around corners generating as much tyre smoke as possible.


yes he has good car control. But thats not really a talent as such. Its a skill that can be learnt.

Driving race cars fast is a talent that imo you are either born with or you aren't. Just like having a good singing voice.

You can't teach somebody to sing if they don't have the talent.

Thats why drivers like Michael Schumacher, Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel etc.. were all winning kart races at like 6 years old.
When Clarkson said "Lancer" I was shouting at the telly "It's a Galant you oaf!".

Is it just me or did all the Renault F1 car thing show was that Clarkson is a **** driver?

He never pretends otherwise....

I think it was obvious he was showing his own limits intentionally to show how fast the car was.

He's never once claimed to be an amazing driver.
In terms of being a car programme it was pretty crap but in terms of a comedy, well I don't think I stopped laughing in the last 15-20mins. I know it's all painfully set up and you always knew that house was going to fall on Hammonds tank but he's still hilarious.
Given he was on an open airfield, he should have ragged the pseudo-F1 car to within an inch of it's life.

All the people watching them "demolish" those houses must have thought WTF seeing a mine clearance vehicle lobbing bricks 40ft in the air :D
ive been a fan of topgear for a while now, its nice to see how they progressed over the years, if anyone remembers season one compared to the current, wow, what a leap. audience used to be around 20 people, probably friends and workers :D now however, they do some mad things. Liked the episode when they made they'r own car-train :D
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