New toy (and pics of my 'portable' setup...)

9 May 2005





Sounds sooooooo damn good.

Finally, I can *really* push my headphones when out and about. At low volumes, the clarity, soundstage and breadth of sound are all improved dramatically and at higher volumes, there is no clipping...and it just sounds even better.

Looking sweet there penski :D

I'd like to get some big cans for portable use sometime, my a900s look utterly stupid so I couldn't go out with them.
a900s are worse. trust me!

They don't have a proper headband, just plastic tubes containing wires and supports for the top of your head. I'll get a pic after I wash my hair.

At a conservative estimate, I've worn my beyers for the equivelent of around 200 days of constant use.

They're still as comfy as the day I bought them...And they haven't fallen to bits once despite my use and abuse.

He's right, there's no way I'd wear my A900s out and about.

What model iriver is that? I have the H120, guess yours is the model that followed. I bet that with the CMOY and the phones do sound real nice
Looks awesome. :)

I'm building one for my H120 and HD555s in the next week or so, so I might post up a build log.

Hen_Dawg: it's the H140, the same as the 120 apart from the HDD and slightly larger casing.
Yup - h140.

I have to admit that I was being INCREDIBLY antisocial with them yesterday...Sharing my music with the world :D

Too many to list. But the biggest things are self-build database, themes, adjustable font sizes, flac mpc support, and replygain. Also safer bootloader.
I have a iriver H140, suffice to say I have not used iriver firmware since flashing to rockbox.
Too many to list. But the biggest things are self-build database
Moot - it takes 20 seconds from my PC :/
, themes,
adjustable font sizes,
flac mpc support,
Irrelevant - I use level 10 Ogg Vorbis files.
and replygain.
Nasty thing - causes clipping and ****s up your files.
Also safer bootloader.
Safer? In four years, it's never failed to boot once.
I have a iriver H140, suffice to say I have not used iriver firmware since flashing to rockbox.

Just seems like pointless add-ons and gimmicks to me.

You certainly deserve some points for wearing those outside, penski. There's no way I'd use my DT770 Pros outside, even if the cable was a reasonable length.

Why not?


PS: I know it's grim but you know what colour those earpads should be...That's 4+ years of grime, pollution, sweat et cetera...

I need to refurb them - anyone know where to get replacement pads?
lol. whatever. It's not a gimmick, but carry on using the naff iriver firmware. You have no idea what you're talking about.

"Moot - it takes 20 seconds from my PC :/" The iriver can do it itself. No software is needed. Unlike stock.
Themes aren't a gimmick. What do you think the iriver menu is? Also iriver stock fw has terrible browsing system. Massive fonts with borders.
Replygain DOES NOT mess up your files, it does nothing to do the waveform. So you can disable it if you want. It's great, as my albums are in equal level. Use it on the Squeezebox also.
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lol. whatever. It's not a gimmick, but carry on using the naff iriver firmware.
In what way is it 'naff' (have we warped back to 1992?)? Please tell me exactly where v1.66 fails and 'Rockbox' succeeds. I have already told you what format I use and that 20 seconds updating a database once every couple of months is no real stretch for me. From your own explanation, all that I would 'gain' from Rockbox is support for a file format I don't use, a software gain-fudger that I find irritating and detrimental to SQ, a fancy load screen and fonts (****ing YAWN. It is for listening to music on, not for looking at), and a 'safer' bootloader which you haven't qualified in any way, shape or form. Especially when you consider that of the matter is that I use my h140 for 8+ hours most days and have never ONCE had to even use the reset button.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

It would appear that I know a damn sight more than you, my dear boy...

TRY IT. If you flash it Rockbox it still keeps iriver firmware. It has so many features over stock.

It would appear that I know a damn sight more than you, my dear boy...

Since you haven't even tried it, you're talking out of your ass.
Why not?


PS: I know it's grim but you know what colour those earpads should be...That's 4+ years of grime, pollution, sweat et cetera...

I need to refurb them - anyone know where to get replacement pads?

Oh my, those used to be light grey! You might be able to find what you're looking for here (model EDT 990 V). I'm tempted to get some faux-leather ones myself.

I look like a complete goon wearing the industrial-looking Beyers, I've checked. They're too bulky, block out too much noise and can't be hung around my neck when I'm not using them without acting like a neck brace, so I've never tried to venture outside with them.
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