New Trainers

Yeah, there is some pricey stuff on there. I wouldn't want to wear some of it outside lol

I love the Yodas on there...
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I needed some trainer porn, so I went looking................


Italias, sweeeet


Trabs !!





Soooo tempting but I may be thrown out on the street

Oh well :D
I have to get me a pair of these:


However, they're part of the Adidas range just unvelied and the product code on the website links to an older pair. Any idea when the "60 years of soles and stripes" is available?
Well ive got really crappy trainers atm, im looking for something nicer for with jeans, but i want something that looks cool, thinking of ordering some Nike's from the online nike store so i can design it and maybe put a personal ID on it, but im having a bit of trouble seperating the ones used for sport and the ones that are more casual (like the dunks look like casual but i think are basketball trainers).

Anyone give me the lowdown on whats what, i have a budget or around £100.
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