new transformers trailer

FishThrower said:
looks like a good film, but its not transformers, they just nicked the brand name imo

Er and never mind about the transforming robots in the trailer which are going from vehicle to robot and vice versa, but no its not transformers :rolleyes:

1) The old cartoon was cheesy as.....
2) The whole concept of transformers (including the first run of moulds) was taken from a different toy line out at the end of the 70s and they just fit the story and drew the characters to match the already available toys….
3) If they had simply kept with the above it would be like power rangers or the 80s film which again objectively sucks.…

Taking the whole history of the brand away from this for a minute and going off what is shown in the trailer, this film should be pretty awesome, watchable and not cringeworthy in the same way spiderman and x-men have been a good comic/cartoon cross over.
mrk1@1 said:
Er and never mind about the transforming robots in the trailer which are going from vehicle to robot and vice versa, but no its not transformers :rolleyes:

1) The old cartoon was cheesy as.....
2) The whole concept of transformers (including the first run of moulds) was taken from a different toy line out at the end of the 70s and they just fit the story and drew the characters to match the already available toys….
3) If they had simply kept with the above it would be like power rangers or the 80s film which again objectively sucks.…

Taking the whole history of the brand away from this for a minute and going off what is shown in the trailer, this film should be pretty awesome, watchable and not cringeworthy in the same way spiderman and x-men have been a good comic/cartoon cross over.

Have you ever seen the original Transformers film? the cartoon one? it wasnt even aimed at children and it was very good, quite dark as well in some places.

They needed to kill most of the characters off for a new toy line up in the new series after that. I know that the new transformers film is based on the new gen of transformers cartoons

the CGI models just look all the same, one minute bumble bee is transformed in a car, the next he transforms into something about 30 times bigger?!?!?

Megatron looks nothing like the first gen, prime looks really bad. The only one I recongised was Starscream, and that was because he transformed into a jet

I heard though that they are getting the original voice actor in for prime? is this true? would be great if it was!
I feel somewhat ashamed to feel obliged to answer this.

FishThrower said:
Have you ever seen the original Transformers film? the cartoon one? it wasnt even aimed at children and it was very good, quite dark as well in some places.

Yep, it’s a kids film, made for kids, few dark undertones but a kids film. The toys were for kids, the cartoon was for kids, the comic was for kids + a “select audience”. A certain few adults just happened to like and collect the stuff in the same way other series/brands/toys/ have their following/collectors.

I have the film and the series on DVDs.

But it is easy to appreciate the popularity of transformers, most of the toys in the 80s were rubbish quality, didn’t do much or last very long especially ones from cartoons. Three toy brands worth their salt in the 80s were Transformers, GI Joe/Action Force (USA/UK), Lego. And there is something cool about robots.

They needed to kill most of the characters off for a new toy line up in the new series after that. I know that the new transformers film is based on the new gen of transformers cartoons

The new film is not based on any of the cartoons per-say but is obviously in context and lore of the franchise/brand. In fact the new movie is the closest thing in its setting, out of the transformers franchise from the last 23 years, to the original series. Most of the cartoons and generations since the 80s have been miles off and either set well into the future or the past, or just simply total garbage.

If the characters in the new film looked way they did in the 80s they would simply be a man in a suit/power ranger zord style.

I take it you have seen the G1 GCI/Live Action scenes with the original charatcers that Bay & co have put up on the website to watch. Grimlock (one of the few done) stomping through a construction yard is entertaining but looks so out of place in live action you can see why they have done what they have.

the CGI models just look all the same, one minute bumble bee is transformed in a car, the next he transforms into something about 30 times bigger?!?!?

Probably camera angles used in the trailer shots but the sizing, according to Bay and co is correct for the vehicle/robot scaling.

There is no mass shifting like in the original series so a stereo won’t turn into a 40ft robot.

Megatron looks nothing like the first gen, prime looks really bad. The only one I recongised was Starscream, and that was because he transformed into a jet

Megatron hasn’t been a gun since the original series. Which is a good thing, logically a hand gun turning into a huge robot is laughable. His vehicle mode in the film is his home world mode, unlike the others he hasn’t taken a new form in any clips shown or in the toy.

Why would a technically superior being with plans to take over the world/universe/ resources/life as we know, it want to turn into a gun. Have guns yes…. turn into one er no. He was a gun in the 80s because the toy already existed and they fit him to it.

I heard though that they are getting the original voice actor in for prime? is this true? would be great if it was!

Either,,, for more info. But primes voice is the same bloke.
FishThrower said:
Have you ever seen the original Transformers film? the cartoon one? it wasnt even aimed at children and it was very good, quite dark as well in some places.

They needed to kill most of the characters off for a new toy line up in the new series after that. I know that the new transformers film is based on the new gen of transformers cartoons

the CGI models just look all the same, one minute bumble bee is transformed in a car, the next he transforms into something about 30 times bigger?!?!?

Megatron looks nothing like the first gen, prime looks really bad. The only one I recongised was Starscream, and that was because he transformed into a jet

I heard though that they are getting the original voice actor in for prime? is this true? would be great if it was!

Listen, it IS Transformers.

I'm a fan just as you are. I've got all the series and releases of the original movie (including my original VHS) and while the movie may differ from my ideals as a kid, it IS Transformers, whether you like it or not. There are a lot of fans out there, with a big split as to whether or not the movie will be hit or miss and a lot of it (if you ask me) is down to ideals from people that can't just let the film be what it is. It's never going to be the same as the G1 cartoons and comics you read and the images you have in your mind. If you can't handle that you should just read the new comics and graphic novels - they really retain the original feel of the series but continue with new stories, they are very dark, and have a lot original content.

Personally I'm just glad to see it being made. I won't say if it's going to be up to scratch until I've seen it but I'm definitely not going to start slamming it just because the models and story don't fit in with what I believe Transformers is about, I can handle my passion for the original G1 stuff and still contain some enthusiasm for this film without any problem at all.
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daz said:
Looks great but I can't help but think Michael Bay is gonna mess it up.

Not with Speilberg on board aswell.

The only micheal bay film I've seen is Fast and The Furious. The story line was virtualy non existant. But it looked great. As long has he stick to what he does well he'll be ok.
Fast and the Furious is not a Michael Bay film! :p

A few Michael Bay films are The Rock, Bad Boys The Island, Armageddon and Pearl Harbour.

A couple of them sucked but stuff like The Rock and Bad Boys are brilliant action films.
You gotta love the way starscream transforms from the F22 Raptor back into robot form in the street. Its pure class and the cgi is top!!
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