new transformers trailer

mrk1@1 said:
I take it you have seen the G1 GCI/Live Action scenes with the original charatcers that Bay & co have put up on the website to watch. Grimlock (one of the few done) stomping through a construction yard is entertaining but looks so out of place in live action you can see why they have done what they have.

where can I see those?
I just can't wait for Hugo Weaving as Megatron! "So, Mr Optimus Prime", or possibly "The Autobots cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gloin, by any craft that we here possess." :p
Phoenix211 said:
where can I see those?

type in CodeBlack (this code appears in the new trailer) and you will get the site pop up.

You have four disk drives on the top left of the screen. Double click the one with the red band across it. A new window pops up with 5 files in. 1st 1 is Grimlock.

Rest of the site has a few things worth looking at as well.
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Just been rewatching the old cartoons again and thought of something else odd.

They are on Cybertron so when they are "transformed" they are their cool space type vehicles, but when they are robots they still look like they will transform into a truck, fighter plane etc. Surely they wouldn't know these things until they started turning into them? :)

Can't wait for the film though.
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Ev0 said:
Just been rewatching the old cartoons again and thought of something else odd.

They are on Cybertron so when they are "transformed" they are their cool space type vehicles, but when they are robots they still look like they will transform into a truck, fighter plane etc. Surely they wouldn't know these things unti lthey started turning into them? :)

Can't wait for the film though.

That's known as "a plot hole that most 9 year olds won't spot"

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Never saw Transformers as a kid but I want to see this as it looks superb. I was more into Thundercats :/
Just back from seeing Spiderman III. A Transformers trailler played before the film and it looked good - I'll definately be going to see it.
Not really related this thread but did anyone notice how good the new harry potter looks in the trailers. That and Transformers are a must see i reckon :)
Gonzo0 said:
Not really related this thread but did anyone notice how good the new harry potter looks in the trailers. That and Transformers are a must see i reckon :)

Yer I saw that last week, looks good. Must say that I have enjoyed all of the films a lot in the HP series.
Looks AWESOME! We need a big SFX blockbuster this year. Hope there's lots of death and destruction and not the usual 'everyone survives apart from old aunt sally - who was going to die anyway - then everyone lives happily ever after'.
Looks very War of the Worlds which everyone (apart from me it would seem) disliked.
mrk1@1 said:

type in CodeBlack (this code appears in the new trailer) and you will get the site pop up.

You have four disk drives on the top left of the screen. Double click the one with the red band across it. A new window pops up with 5 files in. 1st 1 is Grimlock.

Rest of the site has a few things worth looking at as well.

When I do that, all I get is a black/white flashing page.
Azagoth said:
Are you allowing pop-ups for

Its not asking me to open one, and it's not blocking anything. Tried it in IE and firefox too.


Working now, must have been a server prob at their end.
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SB118 said:
That's known as "a plot hole that most 9 year olds won't spot"


Actually in the cartoon the Ark (spaceship), with the autobots and decepticons crashed on earth and knocked them all out for a loooong time. Teletraan 1, the ark's computer reformatted the transformers to have modern alt. modes so they could blend in on the planet. Rather than looking all cybertronian.

/transformers geek :p

Pretty sure reformatting happens in the movie, although without teletraan 1.
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