Newbie Vikki's AMD Phenom II x4 computer/DAW?/build thread...

OK - couple of questions

1. I have a case fan in the back of the case that comes with the case that has a 3 pin connector should this go to the system fan on the mobo as that is a 4 pin plug?

2. On the motherboard there is only one ide socket connector and one floppy disk drive connector. I have two ide drives connected together with a cable that should go to the ide socket where does the dvd drive cable plug into?

There should be a bar that sticks out of the 4 pin connector that will slide into 2 notches made on the 3 pin fan power connector so you can't get teh connection wrong. But yes, it's how I have my fans wired up. They've not failed yet...

Thank you for that..

So you have your IDE hard drive and IDE dvd rom drive connected together by the same ribbon cable?

No I have two ide hard drives (one of which is a data drive only) connected together using the same cable. I also have a dvd rom drive with a separate connection.

The ribbon cable you've used has 3 connectors on it? - one at the end, one slightly further down and one at the very end?
No, I didn't know you could get 3 connectors on a cable - is that the road I need to go?

The fan headers on the motherboard are slightly offset to take either 3 or 4pin fans, they will only lock in one position.


If you already have two IDE HD's then that's another good reason to get a new SATA DVD drive in black to match the nice new case.

Point taken - will get one...

One other thing I'd do is switch the orientation of the CPU to blow front to back instead of bottom to top as it is now. This way the rear case fan will remove more of the heat from the CPU and you'll have a cooler system as a result, it's not nessesary though.

I've had another look at the cpu and I'm not sure I can change the orientation....I might have another look later or in morning....

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Only thing I need to know now is what goes in the 8-pin ATX power socket? Looks like the main ATX 24 pin power lead will only plug in one way with the latch on the side of the plug corresponding to the lip on the socket? So what goes in to the 8 pin ATX socket? I have an 8 pin plug marked up as PCIE or two 4 pin plugs (unmarked) that look like they might not fit anyway.

Thanks, it was a bit of struggle but I got there in the end. I can't use my DVD drive yet because it is not sata so I will have to get a new dvd drive afterall.

Do it need hard drive connected to fire it up...dare i switch it on?

Im assuming that's without the HDD connected ;p Looking good your nearly there!

Like i said you can run a HDD and DVD off the IDE cable together. You may need to drop the DVD drive to the lowest drive bay and the hdd to the top drive bay for the cable to be able to reach though.

I'm sure your anxious to get windows on, you can worry about fitting a new dvd later on

I am anxious to get it up and running complete with my lovely new Windows 7 - I will sleep on it tonight (not the new computer - I might add) and I will start afresh in the morning....I am thoroughly knackered now!!

Night night see you all tomorrow with more piccies...;)

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Thew....feel like i've fallen out of a tree, i think it only took 13 hours, i could probably build one up in an hour and a half now.........
Now i sort of know what i'm doing, watch out Overclockers:D
I'll perhaps take a drive down to Overclockers again today and get a dvd drive in black and a floppy drive would be handy for the midi music i do. Just need 4 more cups of coffee! I'll add some better hard drives when i've sorted everything out, i was wondering if it was worth taking the rear fan out and putting it in the top fan mouting as its right in line with the exhaust from the cpu cooler, or add another fan?
You guys were right about the psu, its drawing air up throught the bottom of the case and out through the vent on the back of the psu.
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I have two yellow connectors on a lead coming from the case. One says HD audio and the other says AC'97 which ones of these do I need to connect to the motherboard?;)
Ok sorry for the delay just got back from Overclockers with my nice shiny new SATA drive as recommended...question: There are five SATA sockets on the motherboard labelled SATA2_0, SATA2_1, SATA2_3 & SATA2_4 which one do I plug my yellow SATA DVD lead into? Do I logically start at 0?:confused:
OK so I've installed the SATA DVD and checked all connections. I've installed my original HDD from my old machine which contains windows xp from my old computer leaving the 2nd data only HDD with the power disconnected so /i don't mess it up. I start the computer up and have been able to enter the bios and set the start up configuration to start from 1. HDD 2. cd 3. floppy and saved to cmos but as the computer tries to load windows a blue screen appears with an error message

Where am I going wrong?
What is the next step?

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Hi Andy, can you explain that a bit more? How do I disable the old drivers? Which disk should be in the DVD drive, is it the Sony DVD installation disk; the gigabyte disk or the windows 7 disk?
Thanks for your help
Is it possible to reformat the old hard drive in the new computer? I get the impression that if I started with a brand new HDD there probably would not have been a problem.
Thanks for your help.
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Hi guys,
Startup does not appear to be seeing my DVD drive? Any ideas?


lukefinch said :-
I am sorry for just barging in but are you using this from OCUK?

You seem to be using the same components anyway. I am thinking of getting this bundle soon so i am watching this thread like a hawk

Vikki says....
- everything is from OCUK (except the hard drives) similar set up different motherboard seems to be working great I'm just a bit green:rolleyes:
Last edited: is installing.....I far so good, fingers crossed.

:oTurns out I didn't go far enough down the list in the bios at first but after checking again I found my Sony DVD Drive listed - so I set it to 2nd boot.

Thank you
Wow, you still have sequencing equipment with floppy drives on them? :D
A new fast hard drive will definitely be a boon for you if you're doing music sequencing - as will lots and lots of RAM!

Well I do live out in the the country...we are a little behind the times here!
Introducing my new DAW

Thank you so much for all your help, guys, I am truly grateful. Anytime you need a computer building:D:D:D

As a matter of interest, can you bring up the health check without going into the bios? CPU temp seems to be around 34 degrees at general usage.
Seems very stable and well behaved.

PS - Big thanks as well to absic115 and a few of the guys on the Gigabyte forum who also shared thoughts and ideas with me and for pointing me in the right direction.
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Great thanks....i haven't actually used the Gigabyte disk supplied with the Mobo, are there any utilities or anything on there i need to load, thats the same with the disk supplied with the Sony DVD drive?
Wiring needs tidying up a bit, i see now why people use modular psu's as i think you can just plug on which cables you require, but i thought this one was not a bad buy considering all others for £59.ish.
Total build so far was just shy of £500 including a Windows 7 disk, i was hoping to have built it for £350 ish using my old case and psu but i soon realised things had moved on quite a bit since i managed to get my old P4 machine going 7 years ago:rolleyes:I'm glad i used a larger case than the Micro Atx case i was looking at, there's a bit more room to work in there.......and some of the braided psu leads are quite thick...
The recording software i have on the machine is this one.....
I've used most of them but for me this is probably the best of the crop for what i do, the Presonus Studio One runs very smooth and the workflow is amazing, i can record a project in quarter of the time i could my other recording software.
There's a demo on the Presonus site.
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Just loading my recording software, i have the DAW software installed but i'm having trouble getting the M audio soundrivers to work,. I ended up reformatting the System hard drive on the new machine and loading a clean load of Windows 7. Just hope the M audio card works o.k. with Windows 7, or it will be "buy a new soundcard too":eek:
By gum there was some stuff on the old P4 machine, mostly rubbish:D
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