*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

Yeah there is some kind of glitch in the game where the keeper gets booked for nothing, always when a freekick has been awarded to the opposition.

Very strange!! Was chuffed with my performance, and some of the goals, your play was pretty attrocious, I can say that as I expect better from you ;)
i had finished all my games by last thursday

3 weeks is quite a long time to get 13 games played

Exactly..3 weeks is a ridiciously long time to play all them games but I bet not everyone finishes them.

Simo, Squimmy are just a few by the looks of it...But in that amount of time there are no excuses why you can't play them all.

And the fact it hasn't worked very well, Hencore is because I have to constantly chase people to play their games, things aren't what they seem on here ;)
where are the links to the leage tables btw?

I have a feeling my goal difference will be good as I have hardly conceeded any goals.

EDIT: lol just found it in andy's sig :p

4 goals conceeded in 12 games, I'm pleased with that, and scored 29 aswell :D even if i arse up the last game I'm happy to claim the golden boot for the championship...

Your not gonna beat 36 scored, 3 conceded though :p
Good game mate, I don't get many 0-0's the game was a pretty dull affair by our standards, you should have won it really. I regret missing on purpose when your keeper kicked me it :p

I should have won it in the 120th minute like.

I feel ill!!!!
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