*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

GG Andy. Bit of a difference from last time we played

What was the score last time?

The ironic thing in that game is the chance I had right at the start with Adriano when I din't square it (or "cutback") to the player so I wouldn't look the **** only for you to do it for me 5 minutes later. I need to stop being the nice guy I think!

Your second was annoying too.

Nevermind. Roll on the next tourny so I can get rid of this bloody team.
Did you see the bit early on when I was being Mr nice guy? Could have squared it on the edge of the box for an easy goal but decided against it and eventually lost the ball, was kinda regretting that until the penalty. Sorry, it didn't even cross my mind about missing it, although I did feel very fortunate. :p

Want another?

Go on then, we'll win this time :p
3-0 in the first 12mins I was like :eek:

Yeah all out attack must have kept your back line high as I was having plenty of joy with the through balls.

Did you like my freekick? :p

Ha, to be honest I critisised someone on here about freekicks who said everyone had a freekick specialist in their team, he was right now. Everyone scores freekicks that are about 30/35 yards away so yours was nothing new I'm afraid!! FIFA need to sort that out!
sorry but i cant read all 88 pages of this thread.

Ive only just got this game is there a way to get involved with these leagues at this stage eg:replacing other people who cannot play any more etc?

i'd love to play some of you guys and know your not going to reset your xbox if your losing.

thanks in advance


Sorry mate, league is all full and in progress.
Add a square ball to that too aeT ;)

I think people look too much into the "cutback" goal, there are plenty of ways to score, people have moaned about crossing play, wing play, what next????

Petty excuses tbh!
For some reason the league table says I've played 9 Although I have actually played 11!

One of them was a win - plazm1ck 1 - 0 rv41

One of them was a loss I think but I need to double check the league table when I get home! Can't remember who against though? Is there anyway to check :p

I just need to play Fubsy and Rump (on holiday now I think isn't he, do you know when he's back as I go away this weekend for a week!!). Fubsy when are you online next never see you on there haha!!

I don't know whats going on with the league table, I update them as if they were live, it's getting to the point now where I i'm not blaiming myself for this!! Can you check your wins, losses and draws please and update me.

That goes for everyone now actually..
I definitely posted my game against rv41 earlier in the thread!....

The other one is against Killswitch which he won 1-0

My stats on the league table should be:

Played 11, Won 4, Lost 3, Drawn 4

Right, well if people don't input the scores on here there's not much I can do. Killswitch usually tells me of every win he gets anyway but hasn't posted it on here it seems.

Your table stats should be OK now, I presume others are out though if yours are.
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I'm off away tomorrow for the night so won't be here to input scores etc. I will do it Friday when I get back home so don't be crying if the table isn't updated.

There are four players on 8 games that need to up it to nine before Friday 9pm so make sure your available to play your games. Sarah will be with me tomorrow so I'll make sure the bee-hatch is on all day Friday.


I'll let BradTimothy hold the fort! ;)
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