*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

Star Capping, No Duplicate.

I think there are enough 4 star teams across the game to have 2 fair leagues with the potential for the super cup/playoffs you suggested Andy.
I can note them all down if you wish. Then we can use that randomizer that cheets loves for the cups. :)

The teams used can be re-assessed each league so ppl don't get hung up on 'I got the crap 4 star team'

Its players that should get promoted not the teams imo.

Do it mate,, you reckon you could get about 30? :eek::D
I really now have no clue what's going on.

One thing though, after you have let people pick certain teams e.g I'll take Man U, or I'll take Liverpool e.t.c, it shouldn't then be forced to pick a lesser team.

I say, you take teams of similar star value e.g Div 1 = all 4.5 and 4 star and div 2 = 3.5 and 3, stick those names in a hat, with our names in another hat and draw them out randomly.

Fairest way, you can't just let people pick teams in my opinion,

Thats were gonna do mate.

It's gonna consist of the following...

- Two Leagues. League A & B. No fixing whatsoever, players are randomley put in their respective league.
- Top five of their league go onto a "Super" League, the bottom five in a "Loser" league :)
- 4* capped teams. Rumple is getting 30 4* teams. Not 3.5* or 4.5*, all 4*. (There are some international teams due to lack of 4* clubs)
These will then be randomley chosen again to a player.

Simple :)

Example, if you do first come first serve basis, what happens to the people who have no net connection during the day for example? They will then be at a disadvantage, you either allow duplicates, or you randomly assign imo.

Don't worry man, we knew of this hence why randomley dishing teams is the only fair way of doing things :)
When should we close this thread for the last people? Max players is 30 really. We have 26 so far.

I just KNOW there are gonna be people who've put their name down who won't play. GOD HELP YOU IF YOU HAVE :D

It's not too late to have your name rmeoved if you wish?
Can I put my name down?

Pending internet connection (VIRGIN SUCK BALLS!) I will be available for games more so than the last league (only played 12 of my games I think :( Better than some though)

I understand you've had problems dude but you have to put others beofre yourself, can you definately commit to playing all your games? The people you have played less games than you won't be in this league. I wasn't sure fi you'd play this one as you've struggled with getting on with internet issues/being under the thumb too :p
If there is space I would like to join in. Only just started playing Fifa 08 so still suck at it, but willing to participate and hopefully surprise myself.

I am a Spurs fan, so will obviously, should they fit the entry criteria play as them, otherwise I am not fussed as long as it isnt that other average team in North London.

I'll put your name down mate.
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