*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

can't play any matches as theres only 2 people on out of League A and I've played both

I'm wondering if this is Riddlers problem as I have checked his tag and he has been on this weekend, of course if others aren't about he can't play them and catch up. Unless you guys have been sending him invites and not got a response?
Alex1982UK 1 -Hencore 0
League B

Good game mate! so annoyed tho! spent the entire first half in your box and i still couldnt put one away. Russia doesnt have a single decent goal scorer :@

It was a game, I managed to hang on from the onslaught and the sneak a winner. Although I was getting ready to throw my controller through the window when you went through at the end, 90th minute it was, and getting ready to cry.

But my keeper decided to make a save this time.
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