Having worked in MA for a year, all I can say is go Pats!
Even if it comes out it'll be on Xbox only no doubt as they seem to have a deal with the NFL.
Latest statement I read though said no immediate plans for a console app.
I stick to the Blues for the NHL but for NFL I don't have a particular favorite - I just enjoy whoever plays well
Having worked in MA for a year, all I can say is go Pats!
That line from NeuLion (providers of the service) has been the same for years now. People on the NFLUK forums been asking for native Roku, Apple TV, Google TV, PS3/4's, Xboxes, Wii's, Smart TV etc. apps but the same line gets wheeled out saying there are no immediate plans for an app.
I've got bored of making the suggestion in the annual suggest a feature thread on NFLUK forums becuase it's seems futile. Given NeuLion run native apps for NHL, NBA and MLS amongst other things it isn't a technical reason that prevents the apps for NFL.
The MS Xbox deal is for the US only and hence why the app is pointless over here. As Sky TV have the current main contract for TV rights over here and NFL GamePass doesn't exist in the US this shouldn't change.
You basically have to accept web browsers, mobile and streaming (from other devices) are it for now.
Rams? Support the city/area. I've always had a soft spot for all Chicago teams (including the Blackhawks who actually win things) although I only tend to watch NFL. Since I've visited Chicago I've never regretted the decision to support the Bears.
I'm sure you'll be there or there abouts again. Wouldn't suprise me if it's a Seahawks v Patriots SB.
Regarding restrictions for games - it's even worse for NHL. Premier Sports show ALL the playoff games and the stanley cup final. What makes it worse is that the channel is not included with Sky and costs around £10 a month extra.
Also - anybody else wish they would NOT show scores from other games Live? I usually have to minimise the window so I can drag it to a point where the scores are off the screen. I like to watch the highlights of other games the following day but they put all the scoresw up every 2 minutes which is quite annoying.