Calculate your body mass index (BMI) - NHS
Check an adult's or child's BMI to find out if they're a healthy weight.
Says I'm pretty much a stone overweight, what about you?
The thing is I walk 5 hours a day (I'm a postman) and have been eating relatively healthy for the past 5 month and I'm still overweightAlso a stone overweight. More of me to love (until I die early from a heart attack).
I'm probably similar which is why I am convinced BMI is not very accurate in certain cases.24 so in the green. Desk jobs for the last 20 years have made me skinny fat. I have a bit of a belly but no other fat, not much muscle either
Did you quote the wrong post?I know a few porky posties. I think it's something to do with being in the Spoons by 2pm
I'm probably similar which is why I am convinced BMI is not very accurate in certain cases.