NHS Health Check over 40

I had a bowel cancel check kit in the post 1 month ago. Still waiting for that perfect poo to post through letterbox as it's not often you get a chance like this. I wasted a great opportunity yesterday as I didn't realize that it must not touch the water.
I rush to get the test kit read the instructions and it was a no-go.
Yup know what you mean should it be a dark brown one or light? Too much on the stick or not enough? Poo anxiety is real.
Didnt know it was free from 40, thought it was 50.

I did mine last year but went private. Cost me £350 but was worth it. Also got my testosterone levels checked.

So far, so good. Need to keep it up but that wont be a problem as I'm in the gym most days, running 3 miles, 3 times a week and doing martial arts.
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Didnt know it was free from 40, thought it was 50.

I did mine last year but went private. Cost me £350 but was worth it. Also got my testosterone levels checked.

So far, so good. Need to keep it up but that wont be a problem as I'm in the gym most days, running 3 miles, 3 times a week and doing martial arts.
Hmm. I could do with testing my testosterone levels.
Yup know what you mean should it be a dark brown one or light? Too much on the stick or not enough? Poo anxiety is real.
I had a test kit come through just after Christmas and put it off for about a month for that reason. They sent me two reminder letters in that time :eek:.

Finally did with the aid of one of those pulp bowls that just fit the the toilet seat opening. Got that to look forward to every two years. No sign of results, so that must be good news.

Currently have monthly blood tests due to new blood pressure meds. Looks like everything is just on the edge of ok. Been struggling with fitness the past couple of years, along with being wiped out by seasonal stuff that never used to catch me.

My annual health checks went out the window during lockdown and only just started again recently. Our G.P merged into a larger group and it has made it even harder to see anyone.
+1 on private blood testing. Instead of complaining about the NHS, more people should consider paying for private services.
+1 on private blood testing. Instead of complaining about the NHS, more people should consider paying for private services.
I have to have blood tests regularly and have always used the NHS. Have to say they are really good. Unfortunately I used the local hospital walk in centre but they have closed that so now I need to book an appointment with my GP surgery instead which is a pain as I have to book 3 or 4 weeks in advance to make sure I get an appointment at the right time of the month so the results are available.
I had a bowel cancel check kit in the post 1 month ago. Still waiting for that perfect poo to post through letterbox as it's not often you get a chance like this. I wasted a great opportunity yesterday as I didn't realize that it must not touch the water.
I rush to get the test kit read the instructions and it was a no-go.
I had one of those looking for blood in my stools. (stomach acid problems)

I thought I would get a container that fits a whole stool lol....

it's a tiny bottle with a stick to dab in the poop, and it warns you to only get a tiny amount

I just put toilet paper in the toilet so it wouldn't touch the bowl or water
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everyone take your vitamin d (decent dose not rda of 400iu or what ever it is) + k2 + magnesium
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Hmm. I could do with testing my testosterone levels.

There are online services where you can get stuff like that tested, Numan, etc.
Don't use the finger stab (the actual word gets sweary filtered :o) ones, make sure you get a venous collection. Adds to the cost but the results are much more reliable.
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