Spot on IMO, either way we need to make changes. We have a quality Professor, who the other day came out with "It occurred to me some time a go that AGW may be a great political ploy, to cut carbon emissions, and invest heavily in alt fuel sources, but because the effects of peak oil and the lack of sustainable consumption are too horrendous and forthcoming for the general public than climate change", he smirked, then said "but then it twigged that governments aren't nearly cleaver enough to pull off such a scheme"
Thank you, people seem to forget that irrespective of whether or not the earth is a couple of degrees warmer, this time in 30-50 years (at an optimistic leap of imagination) we will be out of oil and therefore reliant on all the methods and solutions put forward by these global warming activists.
Their point maybe moot, irrelevant, unjustified or completely fabricated, people need to get their hands round the one simple fact of the matter, its not gonna
We already have one unjust war for blatant oil purposes, all hell will break loose once the last of it has gone, or for the last of it and what will all these people dismissing the theories out of hands say? You should have come up with a solution.
There are solutions already here, dont drive so much, recycle, turn off your lights when you're not using them, buy energy saving bulbs, don't fly to Prague for a weekend because Ryanair were offering it for £1.20 (before taxes). What does it matter if you don't agree with why you're doing it, who is it gonnna hurt by doing it now?
You're saying you're all getting taxed out your arses for this "non-existent" claim that is purely down to natural causes, but a 6-pack of energy saving lightbulbs was 6p in Morrissons the other day. All these people moaning about paying an extra 5p a litre to fill their cars up for another unnecessary journey need to think on and wonder what it is they're being taxed for, take a look around and realise there are countless ways to compensate for that tax by doing things properly.
I bet them energy saving lightbulbs would save you easily the cost of the bump in petrol, as well as being a lot cheaper than proper bulbs, which I bet all you moaners have in your house right now lighting rooms you're not even in. But no, energy saving lightbulbs don't save me money right now so I'm not buying them and I'll just moan about the government screwing me over instead.
People will argue against every last thing their government tells them, it'll be your kids, grandkids dying in a war for a few barrels of oil because you're too stubborn to change your attitudes.