Nicked - For Road Rage!

Cybergangster said:
In my mind he was the aggressor - he was on the horn, he drove across the road (blocked traffic) to get to me and he got out of the car (he was trying to get out of the car before I approached him).

To be honest mate, admitting you've done this before in New Zealand shows you are too aggressive by far..
From your brief account, the fact you held the Door shut on him tells us all that you left your vehicle first, and you clearly acted agressively first by holding his door shut, that's his property you where 'touching' and he has a right to defend himself from forced entry/restraint.. up until that point it was all verbal..

Admittedly, the guy was a ******, but from the account, I'd blame you for it escalating into violence.. of course we would never know what would have happened if you had just told him to pee off, and not got out of your car..

Don't get me wrong, I get pretty wound up by people, and do get out of my Car every now and again, but I know that by doing so I am 'forcing' the situation somewhat, and so partially to blame..

I also think that having your Wife and Kids their if you are like me would make me even more keen to 'defend' them through agression, so I can't blame you for that!!
Lets face it no matter what, he will know that he was in the right, just as you know you are in the right. There was probably fault on both sides, although not 50/50. From your own description of events you are probably most to blame for the incident escalating to the point it did.

You were itching for a fight and could have walked away from it before it came to blows. Have a think about going on an anger management course before someone gets badly hurt, either you or some poor guy who you deem to have offended you so badly that you need to No swearing! him one in the face.
Ok so looking at what people have said, I thought i'd ask would you all tell the other guy that he shouldn't have beeped his horn at the driver in front and should have just driven off, ignoring cyber for swearing at him instead of driving after him?
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Good on you m8, someone was been kind enough to let you cross the road so the guy decideds to be an arse all because its making him stop for like what 10seconds? maybe they were better ways of telling what you thought but id of done the same thing as you. thats the problem these days no one has got any manners and even when there is someone has a problem with it. Guys drives an Audi need i say more really
In my opinion you should have been the bigger man and ignored his impatience, especially with your family around.

You provoked him, and he retaliated. Simple.
Odviously what you should have done is walk away. Then if he had followed you and your family and attacked you, many people would have been on your side to give witness statements.
Having recently come close to being arrested for Assault whilst odviously only defending myself i can understand what you are going through.
However you must also realise we should both count ourselves lucky and MOVE ON.
Please learn from this and forget about the guy. Of course if he goes out of his way to find you and comes to your home then things will be different.
But still just ring the police and let them sort it out, this is my intention. With my recent dealings with the police i have found them quite reasonable when handled with respect and above all else Awareness.
The law is the law and you must have it and them on Your side.
If he'd gone crazy at me and driven across the road to get to me, I would've reacted the same way as you.
However I wouldn't have made rude gestures at him in the first place, so it probably wouldn't have happened.

Ah well, all's well that ends well.
I'd be absolutely gutted if I let myself get drawn into a fight that easily, but doubly so if I'd had my wife and kids with me.

However much of a ****** this bloke was, you put youself and your family in danger for no good reason. Thank yourself lucky he didn't pull a blade - imagine what it would be like for your kids to see their dad stabbed at the side of the road over somethign as trivial as a car horn.
in front of your kids dude :-/

daddy's a big man yes but what if he had given you a beating.. would you have wanted your kids to be scared with that for life? "mummy, why isnt daddy getting up?" next time just let it lie and drive on..
Sagalout said:

However much of a ****** this bloke was, you put youself and your family in danger for no good reason. Thank yourself lucky he didn't pull a blade - imagine what it would be like for your kids to see their dad stabbed at the side of the road over somethign as trivial as a car horn.

Yeah I don't get that either.
You live and learn I guess. I think the whole thing could have been avoided if you hadn't commented on him being a complete merchant banker :D

I have a right temper on me. I do know what its like, but you have to keep it under control. Fighting, especially in front of your kids, is no good.
lol i bet you felt really hard in front of your wife and kids calling him a ******
And then it all kicked off lol

Well done :) I bet they respect you so much more now :)
personal attack removed

There's absolutely no need for the personal attacks. FF..
Unclucky about getting the caution.

One thing though, you declined to press charges against him at the time - you could still press charges now if you wanted too.

As for revenge, If I were you I would most certinally dish some out, but be very careful that it doesnt come back to you, either wait a while, or get someone else to do it (e.g. me) while plenty of people see you somewhere at the time and can vouch for your whereabouts :D
Quote: -She pointed out that he's like a little boy who doesn't wipe his tears away so you can see he's crying.

- yet you thinking of damaging his car , or putting excrement through his door.

Grow up , be a man
thats kinda unlucky mate..

if he had drove at me id be in the same situation.. but like others the horn wouldnt of set me off... but like wise the hand movement by you shouldnt of set him off...

its no good infront of the kids man :eek:

I know how it is. as my temper has been described as "nuclear" and ive gotten myself into stupid situations like that also... once it starts theres a rush and then there no telling where its gonna end..

luckly for me.. on the roads and when behind the wheel.. my temper seems to die totaly.. and i aint been close to losing it yet..

Wouldnt bother dishing out the revenge.. its the kinda thing id think about but then not do.. the pros really dont out weigh the cons ;) move on and make sure them kids of yours dont see anything like this from you again. :cool:
Whether or not we agree at the way the OP reacted and behaved, personal attacks will not be tollerated. Please refrain from doing so.
Freefaller said:
Whether or not we agree at the way the OP reacted and behaved, personal attacks will not be tollerated. Please refrain from doing so.
Oh Freefaller - share the love. This way I can prove I'm in control of my anger by not responding to the keyboard warriors. ;)
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