Nicked - For Road Rage!

webmonkeyuk said:
Good on you m8, someone was been kind enough to let you cross the road so the guy decideds to be an arse all because its making him stop for like what 10seconds? maybe they were better ways of telling what you thought but id of done the same thing as you. thats the problem these days no one has got any manners and even when there is someone has a problem with it. Guys drives an Audi need i say more really
My thoughts exactly.
Cybergangster said:
After we crossed the road, I turned to the second car and informed the driver that he is a 'masterbator'.

LOL - Brilliant.

If im hom=nest, i would have probably been dragged away by the misses, but if i had been on my own i would have done the same as you.

Revenge is sweet sometimes, other times it can make you feel worse.
I'm cooling off now and I don't think I'll bother with any retaliation. I think I am just a red blooded male and when my back's up, I'm not easy to reason with.

I've had a stiff neck the last couple of days (from when I flinched away from his initial swing at me). I was considering pursuing a charge of assualt against the guy but I've been advised (I work in a law firm, heh!) the best result I could hope for is that we both get fined.

My wife finally spoke of what she truly thought of my actions (she called me much worse than a masterbator) but she let me off after I pointed out the support I've received from this thread /sarcasm

Whenever I've reflected on a confrontation I've always regreted my actions. I do have regrets about how I handled this situtation but if I'm honest with myself, this guy needed a slap and I'm glad we can now both get on with our lives.
Why should ass*oles get away with being like that though. He was a big masturbator, im sure of it. At least he won't be hitting his horn at you again. Can't stand people like that. Sounds like he got what he deserved, and from what you said, he was gettin out of his car and you stopped him because you thought it was the best thing at the time to allow him to just move along, i can totally see where you're coming from.

I don't think ANYONE can disagree that that idiot got what he deserved. I know the kind of people they are, hit their horns when there is a family crossing, always a meter from you're bumper, overtaking in stupid places etc. i know the kind.
He was being a ***** and no mistake but, as you state in your original post, I think the better course of action would have been to smile smugly and take a bit longer to cross the road to hack him off even more - but not to confront him.

You'd had a nice day out with the family and some stranger toots you out of impatience - on one level I can understand your reaction but I *think* I'd have walked away if I had my son with me. Regardless of right or wrong I wouldn't want him to see his dad in a situation like that unless it was unavoidable. On the other hand I know it's not a great example to back down like a coward but it hadn't really reached that point as he remained in his car.

This isn't a criticism btw - I don't know how I'd truly have reacted cos I wasn't there so it's just my gut feeling sitting here in the cold light of day.
Cybergangster said:
My wife finally spoke of what she truly thought of my actions (she called me much worse than a masterbator) but she let me off after I pointed out the support I've received from this thread /sarcasm

Whenever I've reflected on a confrontation I've always regreted my actions. I do have regrets about how I handled this situtation but if I'm honest with myself, this guy needed a slap and I'm glad we can now both get on with our lives.

i dont think what you did was wrong, but then again i dont think it was right either.

I think he had it comming, because at the end of the day he came looking for a fight and got one.

But regardless of whether he had it comming or not, giving him what he needs never gets you anywhere but trouble. This is why you walk away from scenarios like this. Because giving him whats comming is never as satisfying as it should be.
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