Night Owls

I'm off work for a few weeks. Usually get up at 6.30am. It's crazy how fast I swung back to a night owl routine. Dreading going back to work again now and facilities g those early mornings!
I've just found a bottle of brandy, I'd forgotten how strong this stuff is.

Except I can't drink this without chocolate and I don't have any.
Sad Panda is sad.

Brandy I spent few months on that stuff. Bottle of Martel a night in 2003 for a few months.

Sends you crazy! I will have a night cap now, but don't drink half dozen brandy and cokes! :(
I came back from holiday last Friday after a week in Wales, intense pain in every joint. Managed one day at work (9-5 hours) on Monday and I've been off sick since. Couple of 30 hour days has completely messed my sleep pattern up. Using the time to learn Bootstrap/wordpress.

Still in pain now and back to work monday :(
Back at work tomorrow, boo. Can go in whenever I like but will work something like 7-12/1 because its summer holidays at work and all that.

Can't sleep, BBC London it is...
Trying to stay awake to fix this crappy laptop! What on earth where Microsoft thinking with windows 8?! Just removed the god forsaken Operating system and its already 100 times better.
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I'd say I was aiming for an early night but I'd be lying :S

I just keep drinking until I cannot keep my eyes open then its crash time.

Hate it, I really do !!! :mad::mad:

PS I only drink Guinness, makes me tired and gives me no hangover! ;)

Anything else you stick where the sun don't shine! :rolleyes:
I hate paperwork.
Dishwasher filled, going to bed.

Plans: I have one tin of cat food left, an empty freezer and two slices of ham in the fridge, I can not survive another day at home without doing some shopping in the morning.
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