Night Owls

Going to bed early doesn't take much will power for me but I can't force myself to sleep so I'd just lie there til I eventually did around normal time.
Going to bed early doesn't take much will power for me but I can't force myself to sleep so I'd just lie there til I eventually did around normal time.

And that's the other thing. It takes only days for me to get into a nocturnal sleeping cycle, but weeks to get out of it.

Whichever way you look at it, it seems to be more natural for me to sleep at those hours.
Evening everyone, feeling good after passing Network+ on Thursday.

Spending my evening with BBC London 94.9 and reading up on some MCSA certification stuff for my career path and all that. Might have a milkshake in a bit to boot.
Well done you. :)

Had one good night's sleep in the last 3 weeks, evening before yesterday I was asleep before midnight and awake just after 7.30. Thought I had the sleeping thing cracked until the next night when I was still awake at 5.30am.
I'm up at all odd times right now - getting assessed for sleep apnoea and I'm napping loads :(

Means I do get to play lots of games whenever I like though :D
Had an unprecedented nap today. I'm not a napper but I had two and a half hours late this afternoon. And that was after a good nine hours last night :eek: Think it's 'cos the missus and her kids are away at Kendal Calling... no stress ;)
I'm terrible at it ... just prefer the night when its nice and quiet and can do what I like without any hassle. Also means I can't get tempted to go out and get food/drink ... as everything is shut!!

Won't get to sleep tonight till gone 5am, wake up at 3pm Sunday. Then its the usual all nighter Sunday and straight into work 8am... Monday night I then get a 8pm to 6am sleep and we are away!
Been in agony with my back lately. Anyway, finally been told that I've damaged a disc in my back, and given pain relief.

Somehow giving someone pain relief and telling them to "come back in 6-8 weeks if it's not ok" feels like a bit of a cheap move. I find the pills make me sleepy, but that doesn't seem to be enough to put me out so I sort of end up in a weird hypnotoad-like trance.

Haven't slept right in months :(
Is that normal? Do they expect it to magically fix itself or something.

Back pain sucks, doctors just stand around like it was some rare tropical malady that has no cure.

I'd much rather go to bed at 4:00am than now, I'm still wide awake.
I herniated a disc in my back years ago. They said they could operate but there is a 33% chance it gets better, 33% chance it stays the same, and 33% it will get worse. I decided against it. Best bet is to keep fit (weight down, core strength up) and have the tramadol handy.
I've a relative in the same situation, the operation didn't do much and he's on massive amounts of painkillers. Apparently warmer climates help a lot.

God, Radio 4 has some really odd people on at night.
The I'll Manors drama was really good, like Kidadult but more gritty.

Still awake though :|
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