Night Owls

Get some water down your neck

My dad past away a few days ago, been in his place today and found around three thousand kodachrome slides and an old projector which still works, think I'm going to pour drink and go through some of them, it's amazing how good quality they are.

Sorry for your loss lowrider
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Third night in a row where I've gone to bed nice and tired at about midnight and then woken up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at about 2:30am... Maybe I should start drinking?
2 sick kids + trying to sort xmas gifts out + setting up my own photography studio (or planning too) + a million other things.

Hoping the kids sleep well tomorrow and I don't have to catch any more vomit, then we can all be refreshed for christmas morning :D
I just woke up about an hour ago and can't get back to sleep.
I went and saw some friend's new baby yesterday and can't stop thinking about my future and what my children will be like (we don't have any yet).
eaten too much so feel sick, and I've decided to start my own photography studio in the new year so I'll be researching business things.

Also playing a little, I am knackered but if I go to bed i'll vomit :(
Does anyone else get that "can't be bothered to go to sleep" feeling? It's as if I think it's going to be a waste of time. Problem is, I then stay up late... wasting time doing nothing :p.
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