Night Owls

Mine is messed up as well, I wake up everyday for no reason and cannot go back to sleep, for the past month I'm sleeping twice a day sometimes even three times, longest one for around 4 hours and another one between 1 and 2 hours.
The more I think about that I have to sleep the less I can :mad:
Still up here - just playing a bit of The Division. Wanted an earlier night so I can get started on a project tomorrow but just too wide awake.
Others half’s snoring has been especially bad recently. Luckily I’m off uni so can sleep during the day. Roll on end of this flat contract so we can get a two bed for nights like this.
Others half’s snoring has been especially bad recently. Luckily I’m off uni so can sleep during the day. Roll on end of this flat contract so we can get a two bed for nights like this.

Sounds like my wife after wine. I usually end up on the sofa and I let her sleep. When it's the other way she just wakes me up to roll over.
On and off insomniac since I can remember.

Bed at 11, wide awake by 2. No point now so going to fire up the coffee machine. I've got a packed day today, work early, rush to get my kid from school, supposed to be going out with the lads later... Rinse/repeat
Have to be up early to take the truck in for some maintenance before work so went to bed early - got an hour and a half sleep and now wide awake.
For those of you who can't sleep
Can't find any threads to answer
Got nothing else to do at
This ridiculous AM hour
Welcome to the insomniacs club
I couldn't find an insomniacs thread
By searching so hopefully there isn't already one
Chat about what ever
Even if not insomnia related :)
Who knows if this threads really boring
May send us to sleep lol
If I want to sleep I just put on a pc game I really want to play and I find myself nodding off at my desk.

Where did my life go so wrong :p
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